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A little about libra

Ok so here goes...most people know me online as some version of libra...I've gone thru a few transformations over the last few years, aqualibra, libra__, libra1022, and many versions of these three, but they are all the same...ME!! Any name you may know me by, the one given to me by my mother is Carie. I am a native Floridian currently living in Orlando where I am a manager for a local grocery store's deli and bakery. I just celebrated my 32nd birthday, and am recently separated living with my 2 cats, Spooki and Midnight.

Just a few of the things I really enjoy in this world...the beauty of nature at it's finest (lightning storms, sunrises, sunsets), conversation with good friends, a good cup of java, a good book, a hard jigsaw puzzle, and just basically having good cheap fun!!

I've tried to make this page a place that I can be happy when I look at, with some of my favorite moments saved in photos here, and some of my favorite things that I've found since discovering the world wide web. Please sit back and enjoy the visit!!