“Nothing my ass.” Joey said. “Jen and Lance got in this fight cause Jen’s friend Ben was getting too friendly with her and Jen like stormed out of the house and like went to Kristin’s house, and I like tried to talk to tell her to come home when we were online talking but she was like saying how she didn’t like him anymore, yada yada yada, then they dragged her back to her house and we had a party for her and they kissed and made up and that’s it.”
“Thanks for the recap Joey, I almost forgot what happened.” I said.
“Well she did ask.”
“Yeah I know! It’s ok. Everything is much better now isn’t it?” I asked Lance.
“Yup, no more of that stuff is going to happen anytime soon.”he replied.
“So we were right.You are one of their girlfriend’s.” Mandy smiled.
I laughed. “Yup you had me figured out from the very begining.”
I grabbed the scrapbook and went to the last page which had nothing but a picture of my box of clothes at Kristin’s and a note that read. “Anytime you need anything remember you can always come here your clothes are still here! Friends Forever~ Kristin” At this point in time I realized I had a group of the best friends a girl could ever have.
After about 15 minutes more of socialization the guys made me take everyone to the bus and show them around and give them all some of the extra front row seats they had. Needless to say I thought Lisa, Mandy, and April were going to wet themselves when I showed them their new tickets.
That night the show went great both Jordan Knight and *NSync got great reviews according to the loud roars of fans and the applause. After the concert I said my final good-bye to Lindsey and we got on the bus and headed to an after party being held at a nearby club. We sat in the parking lot for about 5 minutes before they were ready to sneak in the back way.
“You comin’?” Joey asked.
“Yeah I guess so.” I said tying my shoe and running out the bus door with the 5 guys. “Wait” I yelled. They all stopped in their places. “What am I suppose to do once I get in there, it’ll look all fishy if I stay around you guys.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Joey said.
“Ok well you go ahead in then just mingle with the crowd and we’ll come in then after a bit they’ll let us go in the crowd and I’ll meet up with you.” Lance said
“Ok works for me, I’m ready to party, see ya.” I said, running to the back door where the security gaurd let me in. I casually made my way through the crowd and close to the front where they were going to be put at. I danced around and soon this guy I had never seen before started dancing with me so I went with the flow. Then the room filled with shreiks as Justin, Lance, Chris, Joey, and JC walked onto the stage area and started shaking hands with the fans. I continued to dance with the stranger who I later came to know as Zac. After 15 minutes on display they let the guys roam around the crowd. I felt a tap on my back and there was Lance. I turned away from Zac and walked away with Lance to an area a little less crowded. Everyone was having a great time partying till around 2:30 when a gaurd told the guys they needed to get going.