--- After the concert---
"You guys were great.", Eric said as he embraced each girl, " I'm so proud of all of you." He tossed each one bottled water to cool off as Mike, one of our guards, came up the stairs.
Mike - Excuse me Eric. Is it okay for girls to speak with some celebrities there about 5-7 out there.
Eric -What'dya say girls ?.
Girls - LET 'EM IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Eric ( as Mike and he laughed ) - You heard the girls.
Mike - Okay. Good show girls.
"Thanx Mike !." Julie yelled as he walked away.
Someone called Eric from the curtains. He told the girls to be polite and no fighting as he walked to the front of the stage.
Nsync was the first to arrive. Erik von Detten, Britney Spears, and Garbage followed. Mana squealed with delight as she saw Shirley coming her way. Terri nearly fell backwards as she saw Erik approach.
Robyn screamed when Nsync stepped her way. Julie cringed inside as Britney came to talk with her.
Earlier, Chris had commented that Terri was one hot chic. Lance and JC added that Mana and Julie weren't that bad. Justin commented on Mana also. All three got wacked upside the head by their girlfriends ( Justin - Tiff ( 19 ), Lance - Peggy ( 18 ), and JC -Lori ( 18 ). Chris wanted to ask out Terri, but was concerned that she wouldn't like him and the age diff. He confessed to Joey who just said to see what would happen and quit worrying.
Chris couldn't stop staring at Terri while she and Erik talked. Erik definitely was flirting while Terri was trying not to lose her cool, which wasn't easy. Chris decided to talk with Robyn, seeing that she nearly melted when she caught site of him. After 10 min. the guys had to leave, Chris managed to get Terri's # somehow, and left. Terri continued talking with her major crush. Britney glanced over and smiled on how those two were ' hitting it off.'
Erik wanted to kiss her but not while Chris' eyes were boring into their heads. After he was out of sight and earshot, Erik grabbed Terri's waist and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers so hard and passionate that Terri would have collapsed if he wasn't holding her. She eagerly kissed back. They broke apart, knowing they were being stared at. Not caring, Erik pressed Terri's body to his and kissed her with even more feeling.
--Brit's Account---
I looked over and saw how well Erik and Terri were getting along and smiled. When he kissed her those two times, I was both shocked and happy. Only when people were in love is when kisses like that happen. After breaking apart the second time, Erik got Terri's phone # and e-mail, and vice-versa. He didn't want to leave her, but Patrick called on his cell phone and he had to meet them at a club 30 min. away. They kissed twice more before Erik reluctantly walked away. I walked over to Terri and talked with her for a bit before the girls had to meet some very interested record exec.'s. I gave Terri my e-mail and phone # , along with a signed Tee and Pic. We hugged and I was very touched to find out I had inspired 3 of her solo songs she was secretly writing.
I found out later that they had gotten a record deal with Nsync label. I sent them a Congrad's card with flowers and champagne ( just kidding 'bout the drink ). Terri got a call from Chris and made a date for Sun. Night at 7pm. Then Erik called and they made a date for sat. at 6pm.
Lori got an e-mail from Terri, detailing EVERYTHING that had gone on after Nsync left. Lori was shocked and e-mailed her back right away. Peggy did the same. They told no-one what had happened. They prayed nothing bad would happen. JC and the guys got suspicious when the girls were jumpy and hid the e-mail they were sending with their hands on the screen. They brushed it off as girl stuff.