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For My Mom, Virginia Nothe,
for whom I love so dearly

A little girl sits
So patiently by the door
Waiting for Mommy
She falls asleep on the floor

Then suddenly the door
Is slightly ajar
As Mommy juggles the groceries
And keys to the car

The little girl looks up to see
The smiling face above her
She jumps up to give Mommy
A kiss and to hug her

"I love you so much Mommy"
She says, with a twinkle in her eye
And Mommy hugs her and kisses her
And says, "so do I"

It's many years later
And the little girl is grown
She's married and happy
With a little girl of her own

But no matter how old
Your little girl gets
She will always need her Mommy
On that you can bet

Written by; Lynne Vail

I wrote this poem about 4 weeks ago, after

finding out that my mom has cancer.

I wrote this special for her because

I want her to know always, just how special

she is to me, and that no matter what

I will always need her. I love you so much

Mom! You have been my rock and my best friend.

You have been there for me through good

times and bad. I don't know how I would have

made it through some of the tough times

if it wasn't for you. I don't think that words

could ever express the love and the respect

that I have for you. I am so proud to have you

as my mother. I love you forever and always.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for being

the wonderful mother that you are, the

wonderful grandmother that you are to Tara.

We love you so much, and we just want you

know that you are a very important part of our

lives. Happy Mother's Day Mom. We love you!

We lost my Mom to lung cancer on May 26, 2005.
She will be missed, but never forgotten.
Her legacy will live on within the hearts
of all who loved her. She will watch over us
all until we meet again in heaven.
Cancer takes the lives of people both young
and old. Please encourage your friends and
family to have regular check ups, so that
if God forbid they ever get cancer, that
it will be caught in enough time to save their
life. Encourage a friend or family member to quit
smoking, for it may save their life or someone
close to them that they love. Spread the awareness
of the effects of second hand smoke and lung cancer
Don't wait until it is too late.