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My Angel

I once was told that angels live among us,
and of course usually without us realizing it at that moment.
I was blind to see that I had been touched
and that I had been blessed,
until my angel without wings left.
In a sense he did "fly" away, and in a sense he did disappear.
Disappear means to vanish from visible sight, what you see with your heart does not count.
But, most people are not lucky enough to know,
and have certainty, that their angel will fly home.
I am. I am blessed enough to know, that,
one day my angel will and for good,
land right by my side.
I always wondered who my angel was,
and what he would be like?
I pictured the purest blue eyes,
with the smile of a prince.
Not only would he be taller than me,
but have the height to overlook the world, for both of us.
His voice would be very defined and incomparable,
but with the sweetest tone.
Only truth would escape his lips,
and no conversation would end in argument.
He is the most agreeable person,
with the most friendly soul overall.
Everyone would remind us of how cute we are together,
and everyone could see us together forever and a day.
Well, I was expecting alot,
and not expecting to see the angel so soon in my life.
I used to think so, until I found out he really existed,
only thing is, he hasnt landed for good yet.
Well, since I'm very patient, I'll wait.
Especially for someone like you,
My angel without wings.
I don't remember where I found this, but it was
just too beautiful not to share with everyone.

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The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web
