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Why Mike and Carrie?

Why Mike and Carrie? Well, I have watched DAYS ever since I was five years old and I loved the romance on the soap. Tom and Alice, Bo and Hope, Jack and Jennifer and John and Marlena are just some of the many supercouple's of DAYS. But, there was missing an essential "couple" in my opinion. Austin and Carrie were okay, but their never-ending battle to stay together was annoying and boring. I needed, as well as many other faithful fans, need a new couple. Maybe, we just needed a new man for Carrie.

No one expected that DAYS would actually put the character Mike Horton, who basically had a non-existent storyline, together with Carrie Brady. Mike & Carrie I mean, there were a lot of fans of Austin and Carrie. At one time, they were huge. But, please remember this was when Patrick Muldoon was Austin Reed, not Austin Peck. When Patrick eft, Austin Peck replace him, unsuccessfully, IMO. He had no chemistry like the old A/C. Until Mike Horton came into Carrie's life.

At first, they were just friends. Obviously, Carrie was still pining away for Austin (ugh). Mike soothed her soul and just was a good friend in her time of need. She was lonely. Austin wasn't there for her. He never was. Mike was always there for her. Whatever she needed, he gave to her. Slowly, they became closer- they became best friends. Mike started to slowly fall in love with Carrie.

Mike & Carrie That was back in the summer of 1997. It is now 1999 and Carrie and Mike have had their "affair." It seemed as if it was too "quick" and "just not right." But, IMO, I don't think that there is ever is a right time. Fate lead Mike and Carrie to each other. They fell in love, they had an affair. A lot of people think that it was just "sex" and "lust"- nothing more. That is so not true. I think it was more than that. Carrie and Mike NEEDED to be with each other. At that moment, it was right. They shared something that only two people in love can share-. They shared the unity of mind, body and soul. As corny it sounds, it is true.

And so, a lot of people ask me why Mike and Carrie? Well, honestly they just click together.They share a story of unrequited love, dreams, desire, friendship and love. Something that a lot of people search for in their lives and can never find. Whatever happens regarding their storyline, happens. But their magic will never end.

Mike+Carrie= MAGIC
Mike & Carrie