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Chapter 3

"Who the hell are you?????" Zac screamed while trying to open the car door. "You can't escape, the only way out of the car is through my door, and you'll have to get on top of me to do that..." Rose said thinking about how sexy Zac looked when he was scared. "I've always wanted a younger hottie to play with..I was getting tired of do remember me Zac don't you??" Rose asked the poor little cute Hanson brother.

"Oh my are Ike's ex girlfriend...the one that tried to hold him captive in your basement!! I thought you were in jail..." Zac said while Rose looked at him batting her eyes.

"I was, but they let me out after they saw i posed no harm and promised not to hurt any Hanson brother again...hahahahah" Rose said placing her hand on Zac's thigh......he didn't realize he was tied onto the seat, there was no way for him to get away. Zac thought the Hanson Gang was evil, but Rose was even more pyscho!!

When Rose stopped at a red light there was a loud crash and someone came bursting through the back window. It was none other then Clare, the blonde model from england that loves hanson and long haired joey levitt(and was also an undercover Hanson Gang member!)

"What the??" Rose said, and as she turned around got a slap in the face from Clare. "Don't hurt the boy that is sexy man Taylor's little brother!! how dare you, evil skank hoe!!!!!!" Clare exclaimed in a rage. If anyone that Taylor Hanson cared about was in danger she was always there to help! Clare pinched Rose in the spot that makes people fall asleep so Rose fell unconsious and Clare hopped into the front seat.

"Zac, I am really here to help, you have to trust me, I would never do anything to hurt Taylor's brother!" Clare exclaimed looking into Zac's scared eyes.

"Everyone's been saying that! but no one means it...they are all after my body!!!!!" Zac exclaimed bursting into tears. "Oh, shh shh hunny, I'll take you back to a nicer place...." Clare said while patting Zac's head.

Meanwhile, back at the warehouse...... "What the?? Where am I???" Sarah said looking around at her surroundings. She saw some old boxes and lots of dust, and then out of the corner of her eye she could see Tay and Ike Hanson tied to some poles! "Oh my freak....I'm still in this fuckin wharehouse!!! ahhhhhhh" Sarah yelled, hoping someone or something would come save her. Someone came out from behind the boxes and put her hand over Sarah's mouth so she wouldn't scream.

"I'm Tiff, I'm not in the Hanson Gang, I'll save you if you promise to be quiet.." Tiff whispered. Sarah nodded her head. Tiff cut the ropes off of Sarah and started to explain what she was doing in the warehouse.

"I was waiting for the Hanson Gang to leave so I could rescue Hanson and then they would love me...would you like to join in with me? Two people are always better then one." Tiff said smiling. Sarah wasn't sure if she could trust Tiff but went along with it anyways so that she could be saved.

Kristen told Tayla , Lisa, and Bec to keep a look out for things while she went to check on Hanson. Kristen strolled over while humming "good lovin'" to herself and saw that Ike and Tay were in their place, and hopefully Zac would return soon with Clare, but then she looked over to where their enemy Sarah was being held and she was missing!!

"AHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???!!!! MY PRISONER...SHE'S GONE!!!" Kristen exclaimed while pulling at her hair. She ran over to Taylor and took the cloth out of his mouth..."You didn't see what happened to the prisoner did you???" Kristen asked while placing her hands on his shoulders.

"No...I didn't see anything, I swear, I.." Taylor explained while being interuppted because Kristen put her hand over his cute mouth. "Don't worry babe, i believe you...." Kristen said with a smirk.

to chapter 4....
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