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The ALARM is Sounding

Advocating Legislation for Adoption Reform Movement

Sealed Records
BirthParent Musings
The Musser Foundation Philosophy
This Time Must Come
May it Not Be in Vain

We are ALARMed that ADOPTED ADULTS do not have access to their own original birth certificate, or court and agency records concerning themselves!

We are ALARMed that ADOPTED ADULTS’ birth and adoption information has been altered and falsified, then protected (kept secret) by the confidentiality law!

We are ALARMed that ADOPTED ADULTS are unable to obtain a current medical history - especially in light of 3000 known genetic diseases!

We are ALARMed that ADOPTED ADULTS are often given false and misleading information about their background by social workers, attorneys, and other "helping professionals" in the field of adoption!

We are ALARMed that ADOPTED ADULTS must pay agency fees to receive non-identifying information; state fees to be placed on a state registry; and attorney fees to petition the court system in an effort to receive what is rightfully their - their IDENTIFYING information!

We are ALARMed that confidentiality laws have stripped ADOPTED ADULTS of their own, their childrens’ and their grandchildrens’ entire genealogical history and genetic heritage creating a serious malady known as ancestricide!

We are ALARMed that in a free and democratic society, these basic, human, God-given, constitutional rights, promised to all Americans, are denied to all ADOPTED ADULTS!

copyright 1989 ALARM Network

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