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A She-Wolf's Story

A She-Wolf's Story

One day an old wolf wandering through the forest of the Golden Ones came upon a she-wolf to whom he was both friend and teacher to. The she-wolf was sad this day for one she had known as friend and mate had visted her this day and thought unkind words he left her with broken spirit and heart.

"Do you think me this thing he has said?" She asked. "NO", said the old wolf with a deep snarl in his throat. The old wolf turned and told the she-wolf, "I shall return shortly." The she-wolf looked up with a start,"Please don't seek this wolf out", for she knew the old wolf was angry. "He is not important any more. The old wolf stopped and looked back at the she-wolf. Her head hung low, eyes filled with tears, her spirit broken. He remembered the first time he had met this she-wolf many months ago, and the lessons she had shared with him. His heart went out for her.

"She-Wolf hear me, this was no wolf that came to you, this was a dog. One with little honor. This dog who thinks he is wolf is not. A true wolf would not say this thing to you as he did. A wolf is loyal, honorable, and true to his friends. You are wolf, the spirit of the Wolf is in you. He walks with you and teaches you. You are wolf, pack-leader, teacher." The old wolf smiled, "You are beloved friend, and loved by many." The old wolf walked to her and put his head over hers, the tears of the she-wolf fell like rain. "This dog is nothing, remember who you are She-Wolf."

Aye she said to him, I will remember. The old wolf turned and walked towards the forest and before leaving looked back and asked. "She- Wolf , Who are you", the she-wolf looked up came to her feet and with pride said, "I am leader of the Golden Wolfs. One who loves all. Peace maker." And with a smile, "Loved by many, I am Tndr-Soul." The old wolf with pride smiled back at her with pride.

Dirk MacGregor

A gift for a special friend on the day of her mating