I love them

This page was originally called Dedication but the word "Vexation" seemed to fit the content of the page more. So, for all of the people who thought "What do you mean dedication? You're a harasser!" This one's for you!
Here are my experiences... "encounters" with the five guys that have literally driven me insane:

I love themMY WHOLE FAMILY drove 5 hours to see them in a nasty Pasadena, Texas mall parkinglot.

I love themWaited in the parkinglot for about 4 hours in 100 degree weather. NO WATER! I got myself a nasty ass sunburn. I could have gotten skin cancer! I could have died!

I love themSobbed like a mofo when I finally got to meet them later that day.
I love themLance said "Aw, don't cry."
I love themJoey held my hand and asked me if I was ok. (I kept a sweaty tissue of Joey's and it hangs in a plastic bag in my room) &
I love themJC asked if he could sign my MMC cd and called me "SWEETHEART."
(I know he calls everyone that BUT DON'T STEAL MY THUNDER!) OH! & During the concert I was crying.. and Lance and JC thought I was hurt! So, they kept looking at me and pointing at me for someone to check on me. They are SO YUMMY!

My Dog Eats People......... Please don't steal my personal photos

I love themMy friend met NSync at another mall event a few days later. She was sweet enough to mention that I'd met them earlier that week and that I sent my love and Justin called me "The Little Ol' Lady from Pasadena" and started singing.

I love themMy Father worked in the building of a popular Dallas radio station so when I found out NSync would be performing at KISS Party (their concert) I continued to visit their offices attempting to get tickets. (I'd go to the stupid appearances where you could win tickets but they would have contests like "Who can make out the longest" and STUPID POO like that. I was friggin 13.) The secretary finally gave in and gave me four tickets........... HOWEVER, Later that week the KISS FM promotions lady (HO) called my Dad and chewed his ass out because he couldn't "control me" and keep me away from their offices. I still went to the concert though =o)
(My Dad really is THE BOMB too so that promo KISS Ho... is dirty nasty mean.)

I love themMy AWESOME friend Rachel hooked me up with 4th row NSync tickets the first time they played Six Flags and during "I drive myself crazy" I was doing the hand motions (I'm a dork...) they'd done at the Pasadena concert and JC smiled and pointed at me. (No, I'm not saying he remembered me.. DON'T STEAL MY THUNDER!)

I don't steal your french fries.. Don't steal my NSync pictures.

I love themFor "End of Summer Bash" tickets, My AWESOME friend Rachel, my mother, & Myself sang a song written by my Mom and I infront of thousands of people to win tickets. & WE WON THEM! (I think we partly won them because I let the DJ feel me up.................................. My Father insists that I inform you, that I'm kidding.) We're also in the "N The Mix" Video. .....During "Tearin' Up My Heart" we made a MAD dash for the front. Look for us in the audience! We're some of the more beautiful people!

I love themTo Tearin' Up My Heart:

It's Tearin' Up My Heart to think I'd miss/
NSync at Six Flags hook me up KISS/
Cuz no matter what I do, I get a busy signal/
When I try to call you/

KISS now I don't understand/
Just why we can't win tickets/
Things are getting out of hand/
Tried so hard but KISS we just can't win/
Don't say no/
NSync wants me there let me go/
I am down, on my knees/
Wont you give us tickets please/

That's all I remember in my head.

I love themWent to see them in concert 18 hours away in New Orleans by myself.

I love themWhen "Tearin' Up My Heart" premiered on TRL for the first time I had such a psychotic meltdown that I sprained my ankle or something, on a Star Wars toy that was on the floor and IN MY WAY during my tantrum. The injury almost caused me to miss out on the next day's adventure which was.....

I love themGot some flight information and went to meet NSync at the airport with my bestfriend, Mindy. Got the wrong flight info so ran to the next flight arriving from Orlando. When I took off to the next gate... Lost Mindy. I end up in a van... with strangers... I'd just met... who were also stalking NSync. Meanwhile, Mindy is paging me all over DFW airport over the loud speakers. The strangers and I leap out of the van just to see Joey & Justin speeding off in one of those airport golf carts. Still with the strangers: One of the mothers is having a nervous breakdown throwing her arms to her right. We don't understand her so start across the street to meet up with her to talk. A big white van almost plows me over. GUESS WHO'S INSIDE? NSYNC! The mother was trying to tell us they were in the airport's van. I catch up with Mindy and we jump in the car and start following the white van. I end up spending the next 20 hours of my day with my youth minister's wife, Mindy (I love ya girl!), following NSync around Dallas, Texas. We found them at the Harvey Hotel. They were playing a private concert with the Dixie Chicks and LFO. (Mindy ran into Rich from LFO) We snuck into the concert... got kicked out.. and we were asked the leave the hotel. When we didn't, they called security and it got kind of nasty. We ended up waiting for NSync, hiding in the back of Mindy's car. The cops showed up, I freaked.. and we left. What a bonding experience for me and Mindy. LOL

I love themWhen JC lived with Lou Pearlman I used to have my brother call the house so I could hear who answered. One time Rich from LFO answered and told my brother that JC wasn't in and "he should leave him voice mail."

I love themWrote Lance harassing him about his appearance on "MTV's Loveline." Lance replied. He was annoyed. LOL!!!

I love themOne time while posing as Joey: a girl kept pestering me, asking me if I'd gotten her message on my answering machine. I convinced the girl that "I'd forgotten my own phone number!" So, she gave it to me. That's how I got Joey's number!

April 8th 99 Steve Fatone & Tyler Chasez. Pic taken by meI love themWent to see an NSync press conference in Dallas. Steve Fatone (Joey's brother) video taped me! Wahoo! I didn't know who he was until after it was all said and done with. Him and Tyler Chasez (JC's brother) stood next to me for a long time. I thought Steve was kind of cute, but I figured they were "gay friends" because they were both at an NSync event? When they walked away from me... Steve stepped in Horse Poo!

I love themI was also featured on the Dallas 5 o'clock news for being at the event.

My Dog Eats People......... Please don't steal my personal photos

I love themMy Dad and I drove 4 hours to get to the NSync concert mentioned below (& the conference above.).. and then after the concert... we drove 4 hours back home. We got home at around 3am.

I love themMy AWESOME friend Rachel & I endured NOSE BLEED seats in Reunion Arena.. Only for NSync!

I love themRach & I spent $300 on 8th row tickets. (It was worth it though because Justin got me in the BOOB with his water gun)

I love themMy family drove along side of NSync's bus for about 30 minutes on one trip. I THINK Nsync was on their way to Atlanta. I wish they would have gotten a friggin FLAT!

I love themABC News 20/20 contacted me because they had seen my website and wanted to know if I would be willing to contribute to a story they were doing on Lou Pearlman and NSync.

I love themI was interviewed by MTV's Fanatic. Unfortunately... The episode went to Justina. The dumb blond that claims NSync brought her closer to her.. family? My butt.

I love themOne Summer Rachel came to visit me while I was living in Arkansas and we made a really humiliating video about our obsession with NSync that we were going to send to MTV. We never did though. Thank God!

I love themI've been to over 20 NSync concerts.

I love themI was the first to request NSync's "Bye Bye Bye" in OKC.

I love themI shamefully invested in a FuBu wardrobe after seeing NSync appear in it a few times. It has sat in my drawers for the last two years.

I love themWrote Rosie O'Donnell asking to meet NSync on her show. (That obviously never happened... Guess who doesn't watch the Rosie O'Donnell show anymore?)

I love themWrote Rosie a second time trying to convince her to have NSync on her show JUST ONCE!
Since then, they've appeared several times.

I love themI've performed in several of the same venues as NSync on the same stage. @ Six Flags, Reunion Arena, & Texas Stadium. As a Jr. Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleader, & A member of the National Cheerleader's Association.
(I personally consider this to be an accomplishment but I might just be an obsessed fan.)

I love themHonest to God.... Flirted with a Walmart employee for his freaking No Strings Attached button. Probably my lowest point... I had to take a shower after that encounter. I got a sweet button out of the experience though!

I love themMy parent's camped out at a local Kinko's so they could order my NSync Pop Odyssey ticket's through Kinko's computers. Our computer was having a brain fart. So, not only did they pay $80 a ticket, but also a $25 computer fee. My parents rock my world.

I love themWrote the Gap repeatedly in '98 trying to get them to use NSync in one of those "Fall into the Gap" commercials that they used musicians in. They were STUPID to ignore me.

I love themForgot my tickets to my last NSync concert in my Dad's car. So, my Mom and I sat on a street corner for 2 hours without any transportation and without enough cash to take a cab back to our city. When my Dad pulled up two hours later and handed me the tickets my Mom was so mad that she refused to go to the concert so my Dad took her home. I missed half of the concert because she made us take her back to Scottsdale. Arrrg.

I love themWas recently approved for The NSync Ultimate Fan book.

I love themMy NSync website is featured on the UK's MTV website.
