
Sometimes I hate girls. Everyone hates me because of Mitchel. Because they're jealous. Stupid and petty. It doesn't feel worth it. Getting ugly looks and whispered about. They don't even have to say anything... you just feel it. You feel their annoyance and the hatred towards you. It hurts. Even if you don't necessarily like the person either. But at least before they disliked me we had balance and were respectful towards one another. Like this girl named Jen who shows up where I work just to hang out. She makes me very uncomfortable because I know she hates me. She wont talk to me! She was there today. It upset me. I go off and hide. I called Mitchel and told him. He said "Tell her I said Hi." Noooooo! ???? Trouble maker. My Mom called me during my lunch break and I told her. (Whinny ass... I know. But I was really upset.) She was just furious and flew straight off her broom stick. She called Mitchel and told him he needed to handle is because it was his battle. Not mine. He repeatedly called me until I answered to tell me about that. He asked if I wanted him to call her but I really didn't think it was necessary. Because Jen would just probably take more out on me. After I told my Mom, my Mom IM'ed her online and asked her why she was being hateful. "Actually, I was more pissed at Mitchel and I guess it was coming off towards her. I didn't mean to do that though." She hates me because she asked Mitchel out acouple of months ago and he declined. I highly doubt that I had anything to do with his decision. I had just started talking to him again at that time. Before my Mom and Jen got offline Jen asked my Mom to ask me to be "nicer to her too." WTF?! I am not mean to Jen. That's ludicrous. When you know someone dislikes you the last thing you want to do is be in their space. I am not mean to her. I just avoid her. I don't understand these girls! Does Jen think I'm going to run up to her and smile and say "So! When I was kissing Mitchel last night... wait? What was the point of my story? Oh! So! When I was PASSIONATELY KISSING MITCHEL LAST NIGHT!... Hmm, I would have sworn there was a point to this story!..." Hell no! Bull. I would never. Because I don't want to hurt people's feelings. I have enough respect for her to avoid that subject. Even if she pretended to want to talk about it, just to be nice, I wouldn't go there. ...when his ex girlfriend asked me if we were dating... I kind of lied because I didn't want to hurt her feelings. There's sooooo much unnecessary drama! I constantly question whether it's worth it or not. I don't want to hurt feelings and it's not fun to be disliked. All because of jealousy and judgment. So- Mitchel does not have the best track record... People change. And from the stories I've heard he's made a drastic change in the last 6 months. He wanted to change and he did. Way to go him. Yet people continue to throw his past in his face. Fun. I'm not in a good frame of mind right now. I am tired and sick sick sick of work. 6 more weeks. So long. Horror. Well, got to go! My friend Clark's on the phone.

Wow, It's been a long time since I updated this page. Everything has changed so much too. I'm heavily involved in theater now. In fact, I'm working up at a theater all this summer. It's very draining but it gives me something to do and a little extra money. I'm saving all the money I make this summer to blow on NSync tickets next time they come to town. I have to get up at 7am! Do you know how evil that hour is? It's just awful! I've never craved sleep as much as I am now.
I was in Snow White and then I made Bugsy Malone! Bugsy Malone was the best experience of my life! It was so wonderful and fun and I'm so proud of it. I'm preparing to audition for The Fantastic and Guys & Dolls!
hello you!I have a boyfriend... his name is Mitchel... This has been a long and traumatic experience.
My friend Sarah says HI! She hates Mitchel with a blinding passion and wants him "to die and burn in hell." Good times. After seeing Ya-Ya Sisterhood we've decided to start our own little secret society. I just want a cool hat like all the girls got in that movie.
I'm working with the two coolest people in the world- Monica and Clark! Unfortunately Monica will be leaving after next week and someone new will come in. Sucks! I will miss her terribly. She's my "Freakin' Mon-Mon!"
I'm trying to get Crystal to come out and see me again this summer. My parents even offered to pay for it. She's so busy though. She's going to college once summer's over! Crazy!
Well, It's Father's Day and Dad wants to watch The Mexican with me so I'm going to let you go!

I babysat Jessie tonight. We had fun. I did her make up and we watched chick flicks. We ate Pizza and called boys she liked. We had major girlie fun. Her parents paid me so I think I'll take Dad to the movies. We'll go see LIFE AS A HOUSE... AGGGAIN!!!!!! He took me last night to see Life As A House. We had to go across town because our theater quit playing it. Bastards. GOD! I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I CRIED AGAIN!
Dad didn't want to see it. Dad wanted to see Spy Games. We made a date to go see it, but instead of us going to see it Mom and I went to see Life As A House.. the first time. By the time the movie was over though he was crying and loved it! I love Life As A House. I love Hayden Christensen. I want to marry him. I luff him. He's the bestest. Seriously, There is not a greater actor in this world. BETTER THAN JAMES DEAN! I swear to it! He blows my mind! He makes you feel and he makes you think. He's incredible. I LOVE HIM! Kinsey & Hayden sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes luff-- Then comes marriage-- Then comes lil' Hayden in the baby carriage. Whenever I see him I hear that White Snake song "Is this love, That I'm feelin'..." I AM SOOO COOL!!!!
I was thrilled to wake up this morning and realize Christmas is just 25 days away! I called Crystal as soon as I got out of the shower and played the Harry Connick Jr. song "Must Have Been ol' Santa Claus" into her answering machine. I listened to that Run DMC song "Hollis Queens" all day. That's a good'un! I also had the NSync Christmas CD blasting through the house on the big speakers. Christmas just ain't Christmas without that cd. MY BUBBA IS COMING TO VISIT ME!!!!! In 18 days!!! He is coming to see his favorite little sista... ME!!!! I hope they're still playing Life As A House in 18 days so I can take MY BUBBA to see it! Mom said she's going to make him take a picture with me and Santa. I tried to get my friend Jason to take a picture with me and Santa last year but he was a little bitch about it and refused. Good times. Good times. Have I mentioned I love Hayden Christensen?! GET IT? GOT IT? GOOD! Kinsey Christensen!!!!!!! OHH OHH! I'M HEARIN' WHITE SNAKE!

I hope everyone had a HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! While Grocery shopping for Thanksgiving Dinner we ran into the couch of The Arizona Diamondbacks. (World Champs if you hadn't heard.....) He's way cool! Made my day. Had to call all my friends and tell 'em.
Friday Reece and I went to the Arizona Sun Devils VS. Arizona Wildcats game. We were for The Sun Devils... because the Sun Devils have the coolest freaking mascot EVER... but we got our butts kicked. I didn't even pay attention to the game though because I had a blond college boy sitting to my right. We were on the 50 yard line too. I should have paid attention... We had great seats... but I sat there focused on the blond college boy. He was nice. He was with his family and they kept teasing him about me. Uncomfortable. It was also chilly... which.. HELLO... we're in ARIZONA! What's up with that?! I jacked Reece's Abercrombie jacket for myself.
Saturday Mom and I went to see Life as A House. OMG! BEST MOVIE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!! I CRIED SOOO HARD! I look like a TOMATO when I cry too so I had to wrap my sweater around my face as we left. Hayden Christensen! HAYDEN! I am so proud that I used to watch that boy on Higher Ground. I AM ONE OF HIS FIRST FANS! Dude, once his new Star Wars are released... He'll just be too big. He's going to be huge. I hate it. I want him to be my little secret again. Ok, so when I marry Hayden... You all can watch it on Entertainment Tonight! He is SO PRECIOUS! LUFF HIM! Mom and I are going to go see it AGAIN. (and again and again and again probably...) We want my Dad to see it. I mean, as soon as I got out of that theater and saw my Dad, I ran and grabbed him and just started sobbing! If you've seen it you know why. Then he wants me to explain the story of the movie... I mean... apparently it's good because I'm balling. I couldn't explain though.. I was crying too hard. Mom had to explain. GO SEE IT! Hayden is BRILLIANT! The next James Dean!
I saw American Pie for the first time the other night. I hope to God teenage boys really aren't that way. That's totally.. WRONG. Makes me want to lock myself in my room and hide from them all. I didn't even really find it humorous. Maybe that's because I'm not a big whore.
I got a call from my bestfriend Crystal Friday night in the middle of my NSync concert. I was all involved CRYING because JC was belting out "Tearin' Up my Heart." We talked for a bit and then when I mentioned NSync was on... Crystal... being the sweet and awesome friend that she is-- says "OH! NSYNC'S ON! I'LL LET YOU GO! GO WATCH NSYNC!" and I'm all "Really? You're so cool! Thanks!" and then I hang up the phone... and I feel like CRAPOLA and immediately call her back! Crystal is WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN NSYNC! Everytime we talk I appreciate her more. She's just the bomb.
Well, here comes Christmas. What a nightmare. Usually I'm FRIGGIN excited... this year... I'm just not. This is the first year that I'm really purchasing my friends' gifts. Is this a sign of maturity? Doubt it. I've got good friends though. They need to be rewarded. Well, I'm going to go watch the awesome FX Movie marathon. Dead Man on Campus is on!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Mark Paul is SO YUMMY! Peace out Chief!

HEY PHIL AKA JUSTIN! Reece said you were going to email lil ol ME! So, I figured you would come to the site to email me directly. Just thought I'd say HI! Well, BYE NOW! I'm off to the ASU game.

PS Phil, You're right. My site is completely girlie.. So don't read all of the stuff underneath here. Overload of girlie-ness.

Halloweenie was very silly this year. Reece and I had to go back in to the neighborhood and recruit trick or treaters because we were the only house participating on our street. I ran in to one of Greyson's friends from school. Her name is Jess. She's SO CUTE! She was walking with some of her friends. She said she'd definitely come by our house for some canky. I noticed that they were heading down CAMARO BOY'S street... so I ran up to Jess' Mom and asked if I could pretend like I was with their party when they went to Trick or Treat at Camaro Boy's house! Jess' Mom said OF COURSE! (How brilliant am I?) So, as Jess, Her friends, and I walk up to Camaro Boy's house I'm explaining how much I love him. I tell her his name is Aaron, He drives the most gorgeous dark cherry camaro you've ever seen, He's 20, I'm told he has an 18 year old brother but I haven't seen him and... I'm gonna marry Camaro Boy. Just added the whole.. Going to marry him thing to make the girls giggle. Jess gets up to the door... I stay behind... and Ms. Karen (Camaro Boy's Mom) Opens the door. I hear Jess yell "IS AARON HOME?!?!" Oh Lord! I just about died! Ms. Karen says "Noo, Aaron's at work. How do you know Aaron?" And Jess responded "I don't know. She does!" and pointed back at me. Oh My God. I feel so retarded. I yelled "Hi Ms. Karen!" and Ms. Karen started laughing and said "Oh, Hi Kinsey!" Then she handed me a Twix... I wasn't Trick or Treating... but I took the Twix to save forever because it was INSIDE CAMARO BOY'S HOUSE! Then Jess whispered to Karen "She wants to marry him." Oh God. Karen started laughing and said "YOU SHOULD LIKE MY SINGLE SON!" (The 18 year old. Camaro Boy's got a girlfriend... but when has that ever stopped me in the past?!) Then Camaro Boy's DAD comes up to the door and Ms. Karen said "Hunny, this is Kinsey. The one I was telling you about. She calls him Camaro Boy." YES! I'VE BEEN TALKED ABOUT IN THE CAMARO BOY HOUSE!!!!! I started talking to the Camaro Dad for a little. He asked where I lived. I told him if he ever wanted to send Aaron by... just for.. anything... Aaron would be more than welcome. They laughed... and reminded me again that their 18 year old was single. So, currently... I've met every member of the Camaro Boy family except for CAMARO BOY and his BROTHER! Hook a beautiful girl up with an introduction! I've even met Camaro Boy's dogs =o) That experience left me with a smile. Later I offered to walk Jess and the girls up to our house and back to their house so their Mom could go home. While we were walking up to our house we were attacked with water balloons! I only got my toe wet. Jess was knocked in the arm with a water balloon. I took them inside our house and got out the blow dryer for them. Then, when we all walked back to their house... We were prepared with eggs to throw at our assaulters. Thankfully that trip was prankster free. I'm going to tell Jess and Her Mom that she is more than welcome to come hang with me after school because she passes my house everyday walking home. I hope she doesn't have to go home and stay there by herself. She is such a cute little girl. I think she might be a 5th grader.
We only had about 5 groups of Trick or Treaters. It sucked. It's because of all of the gay terrorists. Our last trick or treaters were at 9pm. They were like frickin' 15 and looked like they'd had enough candy if you know what I'm sayin.... they took enough of our frickin' candy too! I should have put the candy down and gone back to my bathroom and grabbed some kotex for them.