name: Kinsey
 aka: Diddy
 bf4e: Reece, Crystal,
  Frickin' Mon-Mon
 location: West Coast
 e-mail: click
 aim: click
 quote: Luff You!
 gbook: click


   Kinsey's Diary
   Favorite Things
   Top 5
   Diddy's Slang
   Quotes I Jacked


   The Characters

   The Yummy Bunch

   I could understand...
  if my boyfriend
  cheated on me with...



   cd in player:
  Burned Justin
  Timberlake single
   last song listened to:
   Like I Love You
   -Justin Timberlake
   quote it:
  "You're a good girl and
  that's what makes me
  trust ya.."
   last movie watched:
   quote it:
  "...Are you sure you
  don't have
  alil' clone in ya?"
   last book read:
  Jenny McCarthy
  Open Book
   current future husband:
  Hayden Christensen
   recently downloaded:
  N.E.R.D. -
  I'm Da Sh*t
   hi! you suck: I'm
  PMSing so everyone


   rub a dub (nsync)
   old school kinsey
   (my old site, COOL!)


Future Husband!
Proof that there is a God...

Kinsey I was born March 1985 in Austin, Texas. I soon moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth area where I spent several years in Plano, Texas. After short stints in Arkansas and Oklahoma, corporate America landed my family and I in Arizona.

I am funny, happy, have an open heart, a free spirit and I'm very artistic. I love creative writing and music. I love children and going to concerts. I love traveling, and being around my family. I dislike negative people and attitudes, judgmental attitudes and watermelon.

I spend my time working on websites, talking on the phone, listening to music and struggling over whether I should get my drivers license or not. The age old conflict! I spend time journaling and reading. Going to the movies, hanging at the theater, friends.. having them and being a good one. Fighting and laughing with my brothers... and sleeping. Sleep is good. Do you ever get enough sleep after the age of 5?

My hopes ... tough one. It kinda goes along with my dreams ... let's kill 2 birds with one stone here, shall we? My hopes and dreams ... what I aspire to be and do. I aspire to be good, to find my passion and my purpose and to live fully and loudly. To grow in wisdom, love and kindness. To have a generous spirit, to be kind, to be an encourager, to be forgiving. To live an honorable life. I want to always dream big and know that I have the ability to change ... or at least reshape, the world.

Kinsey What would I like to be famous for...uhhhmmmm. Would you like my autograph? You know, I'm already famous to all the people that really matter in my world! I don't know, I guess being famous could be fun... but I think it can also be a curse. Maybe it's just good to be famous to a small group of people, who are very important to you. Of course if I could have Britney's life I might take if for a day or so. ( Go shopping... ) Maybe I would be famous for doing something positive for children.

Negative aspects of myself ... are you kidding? This must be a trick question... right?

I am not very organized ... organization is not a strong point of mine. I don't deal well with gossip, or people just being hateful in general. I do relate to boys probably better than girls, because I have brothers, uncles and cousins who I spend great amounts of time with. When I am tired... I am not very tolerant. I have no problem talking out issues.. just don't lie to me or about me. I always try to NEVER focus on the negative... so there.

That is Kinsey according to Kinsey.

(written for a tech class in june of 2002)