Old school, YO!

Rub A Dub: OLD SCHOOL! Yes, can you believe that Rub A Dub used to be ghetto? Oh, the good ol' days. Here are some of our first layouts and stuff that you can't find on the site anymore. I would have more but Analfire just recently thought it would be fun to destroy all of my old pages! Meanies. N JOeY what I could find! (That's SO CORNY)

I put this main page layout up in 2000 and took it down in March of 2001 I built this main page layout in March and took it down in July of 2001
I built this main page layout in October of 99. I loved this intro picture for the site but I don't think anyone ever saw it!
Rub A Dub's first girfriend site. Rub A Dub's first picture page.

The 411 On the boys
Busta paw!We said Bye, Bye, Bye to bio's when I put the new layout up in July of 2001. I couldn't update them and I never even finished JC's and Lance's. Besides, They were super cheesy!

Ask Busta was one of the funniest areas of our site. Visitors would send in their questions to Busta about NSync and my friends Rachel, Stacie, and I would answer them on the website. I'd taken it down last year and had planned on updating it and putting it back up, but when I went to get it Analfire had deleted it!!! I'll probably create a new Ask Busta in the future. Look for it.

Rub A Dub Dub 'N The Tub Wit' NSync. Contact Kinsey.