-"Why is the Toronto Department of Hazardous Materials here??? Did we do something?"

(on Paula Cole)
-"She had so much hair under her arms, she looked like Buckwheat in a headlock!"

(His New Years resolutions)
-"I'm going to quit with my credit card fraud scheme..I'm going to stop doing that now"

-"That's the album cover. So, if you've seen this, congratulations, you've bought our album!"

-"Ok, well.. you're the first one to know, but we're breaking up."

-"Wait, wait, wait, wait...What concert was that? Third row? Is she the one with the head? Yeah, I rememeber her."

-"This is where we show our naked asses!"

-"I drive myself crazy...get it??? DRIVE myself crazy? Go Karts? Get it?!"
(Smokin' a little P-O-T..?)

-"It was just hard to get in the Christmas mood. It's the middle of August and we're in Orlando. We're in tank tops and shorts, and we're going 'Okay, we're singing about snow!' It was a little bit confusing."

(To a fan after Justin brushed past her)

-"Will I get in trouble for this?!"

-"So... as annoying as we are, We're still gonna be here!"

-"Of course you're going to lose your privacy. Though sometimes you're like 'Not another autograph!', at least they want another autograph!"
(Tell that to Justin.)

-"I don't care. Tell me I am a jerk again, I don't care, just say it in French."

-"I don't have my own hairdresser. And I don't have friends like Lance has."

-"Were trying to phase him [Lance] out!"
-"Do you remember when they phased out BooBerry? ...Remember that Frankenberry and Count Chocula? What happened to BooBerry? Got rid of him! ...I don't know what it is-That just ain't right. We are gonna march a campaign..bring back the cop. ...Phased him out! ...We still got the Trix Rabbit, right?"

-"But I'm already old."

-"I wish there was a rumor about me and a lot of girls. Let's start one!"

-"I like girls who wear baseball caps. I think that looks so attractive on a girl for some reason. And girls who pull their hair back into ponytails."

-"Yeah, wear your Levi's!"

-"I've dated too many girls who are just like me. For the first month it's the best thing in the world. Then, after that, you get on eachother's nerves, cause you're too much alike."

-"I would die for Mexican food."

-"I am a really big fan of anything Mexican, because I think that's where my Spanish heritage is from."

-"This will be great for the first week - till the dog starts making a mess all over the bus!"

-"Some of us were friends before we started the group. We didn't know Lance right away, but we're sure glad to know him now!"

-"I was choking on my water."

-"Two penguins were on a boat getting some sun. One penguin says to the other, 'Would you please pass me the radio?' And the penguin says 'What do I look like a tomato?'"
(Am I the only one who still doesn't get this story?)

-"As soon as the movie was over, we were about to drive home, but I looked at this sign pointing to the beach and I said 'Let's go to the beach' So I stopped at Citgo, picked up some candles and chips and just went out and had a picnic at midnight on the sand."

-"Your not coming to the beach with me buddy."

-"I was raised by my mom and sisters, so I grew up thinking women were the boss. Women are right, men are wrong, the end."
(He'd be a good husband.)

-"I'll not get married probably, 'cos any girl won't take me."

-"Lance likes Tasmanian devils, I like large bills"

-"You could embarrass us by bringing Joey out on stage."

-"I'm not really a morning or a night person, I'm just more of an awake person."

-"We want Lance, we want Lance, We want Lance... And we got Lance!"

-"I will smile all the time now!!"

-"I'm the grandfather of the group."

-"I never did anything wrong in school...I was just blamed for everything!"

-"Thanks guys, I can feel the love all around this room!"

-"Crush on you!!! (looks at Lance) crush on you!! (looks at Joey) Crush on you!! (looks at camera)"

-"Joey killed like 20 elmos and built a coat out of it."

-"Tell em to be quiet! Shh! Shh! Shh!"

-"He designed that? I'm gonna hit him in his head."

(LOL, That reminds me of Floyd on 'Whatever It Takes')

-"Joey is like Tickle Me Elmo!!"

-"ET Phone Home!"

-"Can we vent? We have issues."

-"YOU WON A BOX OF CEREAL! YEAH! You know what's gonna happen don't you? Next time we come to Grand Rapids they're gonna be throwing Cookie crisps on stage, I can feel it!"

-"He (Busta) has to sleep in a cage on the bus because of Justin Timberlake! He's such a meanie!"

-"So in other words Lance has a sexy voice.... And we have each other?"

-"No...I'm just the most intelligent one of the band."

-"I sliced it!"

-"I may be the oldest but not the most matured!"

-"I need lots of calming down!"

-"Sometimes I get homesick when I get home - I miss all the touring!"

-"I'm from this planet!"

-"This is censored for television!"

-"Is your phone working? ...See I told you these things are rigged! ...Why are you talking to these people? You're being so nice to them and then you say 'Sorry, You're Losing!'"

-"Oh that's my hair man. That's au naturale. I was born with dreads. I was born with a weave."

-"I just want someone who won't keep things from me. Like if she hates my hair, she needs to tell me!"

-"I used to tell everybody I had a pet tree and I used to take it for walks in a wagon...and it used to go pee on dogs... but now I have a dog..."

-"I'm in love with an alien!"

-"Hey, we're on TV, man!"

-"If my girlfriend was taller then me, I'd wear heels!"

-"I'm sure you hear this all the time, but you have such a sexy voice OH BABY!!!"

-"We saw little leprechauns & they were all telling us about a Yellow Brick Road & stuff!"

-"It's not fair! My feet are size 7 1/2!"

-"If we're old farts sitting in the bathroom, still singing our a cappellas together, we're going to be as happy as we were the day we walked onstage at the Silverdome in front of [47,000] people."

-"What's Justin's weight?? About 50??"

-"Busta just took a...aaaaaah!"

-"He's talkin' about Jello over here, I dunno..."

-"I'm just gonna ride one of the dogs. It's a little bit too dangerous and I could hurt something like my face or something on these horses."

-"Yeah, my mom's seen it. She's pretty embarrassed. My grandma carries scissors & she's gonna cut it."

-"I remember as a kid, my sister & I used to wait up for Santa Clause. And we thought we'd wait up all night, all night until one of us always fell asleep. And we would always wake the other up; 'Come on, you gotta get up, you gotta get up, or else we won't get to meet Santa Clause!' And then early in the morning, we'd all run down & I'd be the first one down because I was the biggest & I could beat them all up, & I could beat them to the presents & open all my presents first."

-"I don't know what to judge my football talent on. Maybe in the group, I'm one of the top five."

-"My most prized possession would have to be my wife & 2 children. I care about them so much. And if it's not my wife & 2 children it's my Bruce Lee autographs."

-"You find the wierdest comfortable positions. Luckily I am smaller than the other guys, so I've got my feet tucked into that airplane pocket. That is, until we get rich and famous and use first-class all the time."

-"My wife & my 2 kids don't appreciate that question!"

-"Your thinking about it now aren't ya?"

-"[Joey] you should quit and open for us."

-"JC has officially changed his name to Fred now. He wants to be called Fred and nothing else, just Fred. Fred. 'Cause it just flows."

-"No more tears fellas, no more tears!"

-"Hey ya got somethin on your face!!"

-"Who's your daddy?!?!?!?!?!!!!"
(Chris is jumping on Lance while saying this.)

-"JC dances in front of the mirror quite a lot and makes all these crazy faces at himself!"

-"I'm gonna kill you, JC!"

-"The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you don't wash it off. Now that's a bad feel - it goes all sticky and crusty!"

-"Yeah, we were just doin' a...little B-ballin' &...showin' 'em how to, you know...do that thing on 'The Wood'."

-"I just closed my eyes, and I let go of the ball, and it went in"

-"It's [Titanic 2--The Iceberg's View] gonna be an iceberg for about 2 1/2 hours then boom a ship and it's over.....and maybe a couple of crying penguins."

(Puppets in the back of the van they were in, for the cars behind carrying their mothers.)
-"And we were making them do all the pelvic thrusts"

-"If we had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would have made it."

(To Phil Collins...)
-"Don't you lose my number!"

-"Fine, just yell at me then..."

-"Should I try that again with a little more feeling?"

-"Hi Mom!"

-"Three things I'd bring on a deserted Island? I'd bring my skates, a coke machine and the Spice Girls."

-"Say Hiiiii, Busta."

-"That would be a politically incorrect statement to make right now. We have no comment!"

-"I think my ball is stuck!"

(On Justin & Joey on "MTV's The Phantom Menace Private Screening")
-"We're training these guys as Jedi's, & they're not very good."

(On Justin)
-"I would be managing him in basketball. We would be making some mad cash."

-"Right. We're going straight for North Carloina, probably looking to Chicago..."

-"Say it with me! Show me the money!"

-"Hooked on Phonics works for him!"
(Who? Lance? I'm sorry... I just need someone to pick on.)

-"I would have slept in this morning!"

-"Dude, look at me!!!
(Like with the dreads that would be a problem)

-"Nobody move your lips & everybody talk!"
(Magic Chris! Now pull Joey's head out of the refrigerator...)


-"Are you callin my a liar?"

(This is what he was yellin at us in Pasadena when we asked him where he got his tee-shirt!)

-"If I dated an older women... she'd probably be dead!"
(Real pleasant mental picture)

(He's talking about Joey... Not really. The movie.)

-"you put your right foot in"
-"you put your right foot out"
-"you put your right foot in"
(He typed all of that at different times that is why we didn't just make it one quote)

-"stop sniffing glue"
(Look who's talkin')

-"i breath every day"
(This is a breakthrough!)

-"i wish i were a little bit taller"

-"jc lost 4 of his teeth"

-"jc tried to bite into a wooden apple"

-"spiderman and ultraman would squish superman"

-"who is hanson?"

-"mmm bop dippy dop ahh do wop"

-"who likes the middle hanson girl the best press 3"



-"i want to be the 4 hanson"

-"always remember WWJD!"

-"ice ice baby too cold too cold."

-"You like the two cutest right? Me and curly here!"

-"Busta's upstairs"

-"This is all about chicks for him (Joey). I’m going to say it right now. This is all about chicks. He doesn’t even like music, come to think about it. He doesn’t like dancing either. This is all about chicks..."
(that's right, it's all about Rachel, and Kinsey!)

-"All right, who took that 20 bucks from my pants pocket? I fell asleep on the plane and I woke up and there was 20 bucks missing and y'all were grinning. I don't know who it was."

-"YO! There's free cheese in the dinning room!"
(That Boy gonna be backed up...)

-"Ya know what? Weebles wabble too!! Next question!"
(And all that hostility just when asked what kind of toilet paper he used. J/K)

-"There's a storm coming!! It's called 'El Niña!"

-"If someone makes fun of the way you sound, tell them to go to hell in a hand basket"

-"And we got Lance! The four of us are replaceable. Lance is irreplaceable. He's albino... Quit lying, he's a Mississippi albino... They're very rare in this part of the country."

-"Well, we were all out albino hunting one day..."

-"Lance knows it exactly what it is. Tell em Lance....................... So much for your irreplacability!"

-"We'd definitely need a barf bag if Lance came."

(After Joey dropped his mic ::: Joey continues to shake throughout the rest of the program :::)

(While teaching a class on bikini waxing JUST KIDDING!)

-"Now say it in Spanish!"

-"They're hired!"
(Some of the things these boys say are just too easy. Setting themselves up! For instance that just sounded like Chris been rentin some women!)

-"The funny thing about J.C Is- Well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk. The four of us will go,'Hey! Check out that girl!' & five minutes later J.C will go,'Wow! Check out that dog, What kind is that?' He's a NUT about dogs!"

-"Sometimes I ignore somebody during a talk, it's bad, I know, But when I'm not interested, I'm not listening."

-"My first date was with my baby-sitter. She was 17 & I was a baby. JOKE!"

(Biggest mistake)
-"Angie, Beth, Sara, Elizabeth"

-"I ate some roadside food that I felt in my system for an entire week, It was almost the end of Chris Kirkpatrick as we know him!"
(Little case of the poo poo don't worry!)

-"My favorite color M&M is green. Green M&M's rule!"

-"I don't care if it's just a crappy place in the middle of the desert, I'll eat a taco from there."

-"I used to have a tree, but I just got me a pug and named him Busta."

-"The Little kids seem to love me."

-"Especially with my hair the way it is. And I love little kids."
(2 cute)

(on BSB...)
-"There's always alittle bit of, 'Man, they're doin' that. I wish I could do that,' You know alittle envious, but who wouldn't be?"

-"There's spit flying all over the place."
(Lance, I've asked you not to talk about our love life..)

-"You look the same cuz you're a loser."

-"We're gonna lose our jobs now."

-"Wear your Levi's!"

-"My nickname is 'Pez' cuz I have a big adam's apple."

-"And Justin is putting a hot oil treatment on his hair as we speak."

-"I would love to die in a horror film!"
(I'd like to see that happen too....)

(To Joey.)
-"God didn't spend enough time on your nose."

-"That Here We Go video has gotten to him."


-"They're, Gonna break the glass!"

-"I spent it on a plane with an African tribe, it was really cool."

-"Chat rooms are so cool, especially if you go into your own chat room and all the people are talking about you and you pretend you're somebody else!"

-"This is the bathroom. Spacious, little bathroom."

-"That's very clever, how did you ever come up with that?"

(Lance on what he carries in his suitcase)
-"I carry my camera, because I take pictures of everything. And food, you have to have food. Um, my watch that Joey gave me for my birthday..Tommy Hillifiger, playing cards..Taz. My Ricola because I have a cough all the time and batteries. I will show you what my batteries are for, my CD player."

(Lance on why his jersey number is 4 in 'Here We Go')
-"Tearin' Up My Heart' went to number 4."

(Joey covered his eyes while he was playing pinball)
-"OK, I can't see!"

-"I'll play basketball but I'm sooooooooo bad at it!"

-"I wanted to be an astronaut."

-"If we win, party at Justin's house in Florida"

-"I dreamt I was dreaming and I knew I was dreaming and I was in this fun house and every door I opened led to a room full of crazed fans and then I opened the last door and it was full of Rob Zombie lovers who wanted to kill me so I was flippin cuz I had crazed Nsync fans and Rob Zombie fans coming for me I guess I was screamin cuz Joey woke me up."

-"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger. It has this little itty-bitty light and I can see it when my eyes are closed and it bugs the heck out of me, so I have to have total darkness, unless there's a fireplace."

-"I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said "Hey 'N Sync!" Uh, my name's Lance."

-"I love Boston...I'm going to get some boston...stuff"

-"Me and Danielle were dating for a while but, we just broke it off a couple of weeks ago."
(My favorite quote in the whole wide world!)

(Favorite Ice Cream... I think? Smoke crack much Lance? LOL)
-"You know what a pecan is? It's a nut, in a shell. And butter is butter, but it's sweet...nevermind...chocolate chip!"

-"That was soooo not neccessary..."

-"Poofu didn't do anything though."
(Yeah, he did! He pooped everywhere!)

-"We don’t have any girlfriends. We can see the world, but we can’t have girlfriends. That’s something we must take."

-"I was skydiving and hit a bird."

-"Always have something to fall back on."
(OK, I have a comment to make about this one. Ever since Lance made this comment on the Disney Special on July 18th '98, I've walked around dragging a mattress behind me.. BUT WHAT'S THE POINT, no one should ever Let Lance loose with a camera in his face again because comments like that one just mess with people's heads.)

-"One time I fell asleep in the dressing room and he put whipped cream and beanie babies all over my head, but I got him back and put all the whipped cream and put it in his hair, it was war."
(LOL Lance you rebel, they should lock you up.)

-"I'm a beanie babyaholic!"

-"Get yo party on"
(Why is this mentally disturbing to picture? If it were Justin saying this it would be cute and fine but no white boy from Mississippi should be talkin' ghetto, or.... nevermind. J/K)

-"Normally you gotta keep Chris away from sugar, cause he'll go nuts. We travel in a small bus, and he's like a hurricane."

-"Speaking of showers...what's the longest you've been without a shower? I take a shower every morning and sometimes every night because I can't stand it when I'm dirty. I like to be clean. Mr. Clean."

-"Cool! Just add water and POOF!"
(Let's hope he's not talking about his weenier.)

(Tearin'... Video)
-"The reason we look like 10 years old is because we did this along time ago, and didn't feel like redoing it."

-"Isn't that good?!"

-"Yeah, traveling posse!"
(There goes the Mississippi White Boy again)

-"Number 2 for the 7th day straight is the Backstreet Boys with I'll Never Break Your Heart!"

-"God musta spent alittle more time on Shania."
(Yeah, yeah well I bet she got the foot stank!)


-"The old lady next to ya, she was coocoo for CoCo Puffs!"

-"I'm unna go for the P.M.S pill."
(.......... I could have a field day with this one)

-"A bag of fleas is easier to control then our dear Chris Kirkpatrick."

-"Where is Thumbkin, where is Thumbkin? Here I am, here I am..."

-"Did you ALL wear deodorant today?!"

-"The other guys got B12 injections in their butts but I refused. The needle was as thick as a matchstick!"

-"You forgot my sexy good looks!"
(Hail no I didn't!)

-"Look what I got buddy!! Look at your head!!"

-"We don't really have time for fantasies..."

-"If I wasn't in 'N Sync I would be going toward a pro sleeping career."



(Pearlman case)
-"We're not looking for pity. We just want our problem corrected. We're going to do whatever it takes for us to get our music to the fans."

-"Joey just eats all of our food anyway, SCRUB!"

-"I dreamt that I was a fan of Nsync and I was so obsessed that my room had wall to wall, pictures of Justin and I went to the concert and met myself it was freaky I felt for the fans..man!"

-"There's a lot of funky stuff goin on right now!"

-"That's uh, uh, uh BoBo...the cocker spanial..."

-"Let's do it, baby!!"

-"I'd be Cruella De Vil...No"

-"Probably cuz it's bigger than a hill.."

-"Since when did you start dating Kindergarteners???"
(I don't know but I feel like Joey is somehow involved in this comment.)

-"We're hormonal, but we're morally grounded."

-"I'm a TV alchohlic."

-"Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference."


-"I scored!"

-"Who wants to know???"

- "I'm gonna go as a peice of luggage and I'm gonna see you & HAAA."
(What The...)

-"She's gonna get in trouble by the law!"

(Hard Rock)
-"Now the menus are kinda crappy!"

-"Who's the runt???"

-"We were screaming like girls!"

-"Yo Trabaho!!!"

-"For the girl who eats everything, I bring you fudge...cookies and stuff"

-"I broke your glasses and blamed your brother!"

-"I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go 'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one.' I said 'Oh my goodness.'"

-"I ain't goin' down!"

-"Rubber shoes!!"

-"Man, for the first five minutes I didn't even think anyone was speaking English."

(on his NSync brothers...)
-"I don't know any of these people!"

(On Busta.)
-"How funny is that? All that time we spent potty trainin'... The minute he gets on TV he froze up & let it go. Whacha gonna do?"

-"I pick my nose."

-"Joey just sat on his lap, and Justin, I don't know what that's all about."

(The Phantom Menace)
-"If you don't see this movie at least 20 times you are out of your mind!"

-"Well, I heard there's SOME BAD PINEAPPLE GOING AROUND..."

-"My sister said she had an entire conversation with me in my sleep."

-"Little birdie, little birdie..."

-"Leader? There is NO 'I' in 'NSYNC!"

-"McDonald's, donuts, cheeseburgers, Coca Cola--that's my diet. It's absolutely not healthy. I just think I need to watch what I eat and take care of myself so I don't burn out."

-"I'm gonna twist your body into a coat hanger!!"

(His Bunk)
-"It's not so bad. I kinda have my pillows & stuff mushed around."

-"We're gonna clean house. Like a sweeper."
:::crosses eyes:::

-"We want people to see our show, and say,..Dang! did you see that?"

-"Don't touch my food!!!"

(Janet Jackson concert)
-"I wanna be the one on that chair!!"

-"Joey has no shame. You can't embarrass Joey!"

-"Lance gets NONE!!!"

-"I'll holler to y'all lata, PEACE!"

-"Merrrrryyy Christmas!!!! HO HO HO!!"
(Now JC.. don't go calling Bobbie any names.)

-"You name it, we hate it."

-"I'M JC I'm 21. I'm from D.C, and I'm probably the sleepiest member of N Sync."

-"They're slow, we're quick. We're early, they're late. You know."

-"Lance would be doing FuFu."
(Is that supposed to be PooFu?)

-"I'm gradjamatated!"

-"What are you talkin' about!! It's right there!!"

-"I've always wanted to do this....'The stars at night are big and bright :::clap clap clap clap::: Deep in the Heart of Texas!!!"
(HeHe He was so sweet & cute doin' dat..)

-"press 17463528955473521748593467291 if you like sprouts"
(17463528955473521748593467291, I'm getting the feeling this was his first time in a chat room? lol)

-"Holy crap!! What was that all about?"

-"Cuz I love yooou!!"

-"Yeah, Dawg!!"

-"Its DOPE!!"

-"Hey yall!! look at me, yo, Im Justin!!"

-"Baby what's the deal? Would I be too forward if I told you how I feel? That's just the way I do MY THAAANG! I'm so for real. Are you feelin my Timbs, my baggy jeans, my thug appeal? Do you like it when a man can keep it real?"

-"Bring it on Bring it on"

-"CAN'T READ!!!"

-"You know what? I wrote it down. And Joey just can't read!"
(Well, I guess there is no need for our "Joey U DA MAN! Can we lay ya in da sand" posta at da concert. OMG I WAS SO KIDDING! We would NEVER!!)

-"This is how they do it in high school."

-"Give it to me!!! C'mon!"
(He has... NO IDEA!)

-"We've got some WILD Videos!"
(I plea the 5th!)

-"I dunno, what he does to make you cry..."
(Big Daddy be singin' BSB HOW CUUUTE!)

(Talkin' 'bout MMC)
-"Joey was in the audience EVERYDAY! If you watch the credits he was always out dancing! He was our biggest fan."

-"When I used to play Hide-And-Go-Seek in my laundry pile and I would feel so safe because I could smell my parents. It sounds funny, but I used to sit in there, and you do! You just feel so comfortable because you feel close to your mom and dad."

-"It's like a full concert in there! It's Pavarotti!"
(Singing in the shower/ & See, I've been saying for years I'd pay to be in a shower with J.C. This way I don't sound like such a perv. Yes... I do.)

-"Fat Boy!"
(Or it was PHAT You never know with homeboy J.C...)

-"Later Dayz & We'll see ya 'round!"

-"I keep having this re-accuring dream about Carmen Electra, nah just kidding."

-"Why? You got a booger?!"

-"..and I just spit on you...that wasn't good"

-"Smile...it's the second best thing to do with your mouth!"

-"Can't clone the soul, Baby!!"

-"It's like butta baby!"

-"I can only dog paddle"

-"When I become wrapped up in a girl, I become so soft-hearted and sensitive-every moment would be about her."

-"He [Joey] showers in his swimming trunks."

-"I'm Gettin Jiggy Baby"

-"I'm goin to the finals! I'm goin to Disney World!"

-"I'm always looking at myself, you know, looking at my stomach or my chest or something. I will confess to that."

-"I think they'd probably eat me...cuz I'm high in protein!"

-"I don't want to be Arnold Schwarzenenegger. I just want to lookcut."

-"Smell this, Smell this!"
(Justin... Put your underwear back in the laundry room.)

-"The dog just peed on national television."

-"I would be Cinderella, Just playin'!"

-"Boom! Whoa! My hair is scaring me!"

-"I don't know how to read, I don't know, I'm still growing up"

-"Did anyone read Clue the book? That was good!"

-"I wanna see all the hands in the air."

-"So what we're trying to say is that JC's a klepto!"

-"Quit followin' us!"

-"Are you ok?! So your sure you're ok?!?"

-"Chris is crazy. He needs ritalin" (sp?)

-"I'm Justin Timberlake from Tennessee, & I wanna request Limp Bizkit 'Rearranged' because it was better than "Nookie" & Fred Durst is hot!"

-"Oh you are not pressing that button!"

-"I think I'm an AOL dummy!"

-"Its in my blood. My daddy used to be in a bluegrass band with my uncle and I used to watch him on stage. I used to carry around a toy guitar with me because my daddy played the upright bass and my uncle played the guitar. I'd stand there with my toy guitar, but I hold it backwards becuase I tried to mirror what they'd do."

-"I'm the cute one!"

-"Let it go Carson, let it go."

-"Now what we're gonna do, is we're gonna have a good show. So sayeth the shepherd... So sayeth the flock!"

-"Right now we're N Syn, we're missin the C, JC."

-"It's fate man! We gotta use this name!"

-"Don't go nowhere! Cuz I said so!"

-"She was talkin' about my man's dreads."

-"I hope he doesn't puke on me. That would be really bad."

-"I just want to sit down!"

-"Crunk, crunk baby crunk. It means crazy, yeah. Get your party on tonight, gonna get it crunk. Thats what you say"

-"Is this ziti? What would you call this? Rigatoni. It's too big to be ziti. It's poppaziti."

-"Lance is talking so you have to be quiet."

-"Lets play some basketball, Baby!"

-"Joey's got a really big nose! I'm just kidding. When things don't do so well, he tries hard to make us all feel better."

-"Stop asking me this!"

-"We're picking body parts? I was gonna say confidence."

-"We're just loungin."

-"I told her Montel!"

-"It's not a hard knock life, waddyou talkin bout?!"

-"You're all I ever wanted, you're all I ever needed..Yeah, kick ass!!"
(South Park voice)

-"Joey! He's such an idiot! He picks up chicks with the Bobby voice!"

-"We messed up.."

-"Kathie Lee took a little liking to my man JC."

-"Me and Chris were behind that rock and the water come up, like it often does when the tide comes in, and Chris fell down and I fell on top of him."

-"Jordan eat your heart out."

-"Hi, my name is Justin and I'm 21...maybe not, I'm 17..."

-"If we win, someone is going to get a pair of Lance's underwear"

-"Robot Vampire Bat!!!"

-"I fear someone's gonna throw something like really heavy towards my head and it's gonna smack me unconscious and they'll have to take me to the hospital and I might die!"

-"Wass up wit dat Ya'll??"

-"We gonna get this crunk!"

-"My problem with all my ex-girlfriends: I think I loved them too much from the very beginning. I found out girls need to chase a little."

-"90% of the time you see me, I will be in baby blue!"

-"I talk in my sleep a lot. My Mom used to laugh at me because if she wanted to find out something about me, she'd come while I was sleeping and start talking to me."

-"I can't hear you!"

-"You've gotta emphasize on the 'OH BABY'"

-"J.C, he's a playin fool!"

-"Yo mamma"

-"It's an oldie but a goodie to me, since i'm only like 3 years old...come on everybody, hiphop hooray! ho! hey! ho!"

-"I'm comin' home Grandma!"

-"We were on the tour bus and it was really early Britney and I were eating cereal and I must have dozed off while eating cuz the next thing I remember was having Britney's cerel on my head"

-"I think that answers that question..."

-"The first Christmas I can remember was waking up so excited cause Santa had come, and the night before I left out the Oreo cookies with the milk, and the next morning, the milk was gone out of the glass and all that were left was cookie crumbs, I think Santa was muching on my Oreo cookies, Yeah he was likin em so I got good presents that year!"

-"My 'Star Search' experience, I have to be honest, it wasn't...that fun. It was definitely an experience though. I mean, it was this big hoopla & you got there & it excited you to be on a television show & everything, so... It was definitely an experience that I'm glad I had."

-"That is a sad excuse for a Santa beard!"

-"We finally get to eat?"

-"I'm gonna take this off cuz I feel stupid..."

-"I tried to use a brush in my hair before and that doesn't work with my curly hair."

-"Who's your friend?? Invite her in, the more the merrier!!"

-"They're gonna be so mad at you."

-"Show me the money, Chris."

-"Gonna get cho partay on tonight, gonna get it crunk!"

-"Heyyyyyyyyy that's not fair!!!!"

-"I got back on the bus, and I smelled somthin' kinda funny...then I noticed that happy little Busta left a happy little doo doo on my bunk!"
(LOL Doo Doo What a Southern Boy!)

-"Not all the guys in Orlando are good looking. I mean, look at Lance......... I'm just kidding, Lance isn't ugly..."

(LOL Do you know why I like this one SO MUCH? B/c he said it to Lance LOL)

-"I ain't got nobody to dance wit! Naw I can't have that."
(I wouldn't dance with him, I'd be afraid he'd break out into pelvic thrusts...)

-"Omigod! Guuurl, guess wha he did!"

-"...and Joey has this hydrogen peroxide chewbacca jacket!"

-"We love you, We love you!"

-"It's a beautiful thang!"

-"Are you lookin' at my bum?? Bum looka!!!"

-"Of course I'm a virgin I'm only 18!"
(Yeah & Joey is all muscle)

-"Your that dude from that new movie cruel intentions' and I was like....no."
(You know you love it Justin...)

-"Girl, I was as red as a coke can!!"
(Exactly... Where?)

-"Look women, if you don't know who you're callin', hang up and try the number again"

-"I never knew ice cream was so special!"

-"That was my 15 year old sex scene, There was originally a girl there, but they thought it was a little too pravocative."

-"It was N Sank! You know!"

-"I'm like, HUH?"

-"Yeah! I like the colors."
(LOL!!! When asked about BSB's new video for "All I have to Give")

-"We were on the Regis & Kathy Lee show and some girl in the audience yelled out 'Justin! Sit in my lap!' EXCUUUUSE ME?! I DON'T KNOW YOU!"

-"He's a beautiful baby!"
(On his brother Steve Robert. HOW CUTE IS J?!)

-"J.C Drop your pants"
(....I second that)

-"Here I come Ms.America!!!"
(LOL We have him sayin this on video doin this little girlie walk and talking like his mama! We'll try to get a wav up soon.)

-"I don't wear underwear!"
(Well, I knew that... Boy likes to FREE BALL)

-"What cha'll wanna do? I'll tell you I wanna get down!"

-"I don't consider myself as hot!"
(I do...)

-"Gee let me think screaming girls, I don't know!"

-"We wanna go back to bed but we're here aight!"

-"Aren't we kinky today?"

-"Party over here!"

-"I hate mornings. The first hour I'm up I'm mad at the world."

-"There are things I just don't understand about women."


-"WUZ UP DALLAS!!!!!!!!"

-"...She started licking my face!"
(OMG! I walk up to my friends and family members all the time and just lick their faces!!! I hope Justin ain't sayin there's anything wrong wit dat... I just give em a nice big lick up on the cheek...)

-"JC is so corny around girls."
(Yeah, real creative with each one too... Calls 'em all SWEETHEART or SWEETIE...)

-"I make a mean poptart!"
(Yeah that ho Britney he's been seen around with.. looks like she be eatin more than poptarts..)

(Middle Name)
-"It's Danger!! No, it's Randall!"

-"Peace and Hair Grease!"

-"All just hang out...you know...in Jello..."

-"Everyone breaks a little wind sometimes."

-"Just look closely. Do we look normal?"

-"Our fans are so loyal that even if our name was changed, they'd know we were still around."

-"That's right I'm Italian!!!!!"

-"I'd be Peter Pan, man, cause I don't wanna grow up."

-"I really want one of those dolls made of me. I just want to be a doll!!"

-"Hey, you guys know how to get to the 'N Sync concert? We're looking for the 'N Sync concert."

-"Lance uses us like wild dogs-he holds us by the leash and waits for us to sniff people out and then he goes and meets them himelf!"

-"It was fixed!!!"
(A Game)

-"Everything's cool man!"

-"God spent a little too much time on my nose."

-"He didn't spend enough time on my chest cuz it's birdy"

-"I guess I'm really that funny.Huh?"

-"You might have seen him in 1 of our videos. This is the "I Drive Myself Crazy" video. The guy with the bunny ears--that's him. He's famous!"
(about Lonnie)

-"I'm dying!"

-"Whatever you like to do, I like to do to, I think. I just don't play hopscotch."

-"Hmmm...what would we be doing?"
(One word......... se... No.. YOGA LOL)

-"My eyes!! My eyes!!"

-"I suck!"
(NO YOU DO NOT! Little pootie poot!)

(He said this when he saw Chris in a speedo LOL J/K)

-"I fell off a bed once...it kinda hurt too!"

-"You see, JC matures too quickly. He peaked at the age of 15 and he's going down hill slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep!"

-" 'M from New York Reading's fundamental."

- "I could bite my toenails, I don't want to but I could!"

-"Crunk! Crunk Crunk baby! I'm constipated!!!!!!"

-"I'll bring a hat just in case."

-"JC's just cheesy."

-"It's like Mr.Toad's Wild Ride At Disney."
(Uhhh we can only imagine what this quote is describing.)

-"We wear spandex sometimes under our clothes, because we do a lot of heavy dancing .. and .. nevermind."

-"I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!"

-"I don't play like a girl, I just can't play!"
(Don't worry... you just make Lance look better.)

-"You got the pool, and I'll bring the green jello!!"

-"I picked my nose when I was younger, therefore I have big nostrils"

(Conversations between group members & Quotes from the whole group)

Chris: " If a cow jumped on the moon what would you get?"
Justin: "Fish?"
Lance: "Cheesy milk."
Jc: "Who cares?"
Chris: "A bruised butt. Get it? Moon, butt! Hahaha!"
Joey: "And I thought MY jokes were bad!"
Justin: "Don't worry, Joey, they are."

Interviewer: "Have you heard the story about Britney having breast implants?"
J.C: "I've known her for like way too long, she's too young for me."
Chris: "Britney has breast....... NONE OF MY BUSINESS!"
Justin: "I don't know, I don't know too much about her breasts, cause' I was too busy staring at her butt."
Lance: "Yeah, I think she has butt implants."
::they all laugh::
Justin: "Shut up!"

JC: "ašlksdgdkghslkdjghslkdjšalskfjasrewotipweroper"
Chris: "jc is from the planet vulcon"
JC: "yes i am ašlkšasdkljšsldkfgšsldkgšsldkjšlskdjgšklsd"
Chris: "what is jc saying?"

Joey, Justin & Carson Daly: "Lil' Sumpin' Sumpin'!"

'N Sync: "DUDE POWER!"

'N Sync: "When I say Britney you say Spears! Britney--- Britney---"
(Oh yeah and when I say Boobie you say Job, Boobie---)

'N Sync: "Baby Baby C'mon!"

'N Sync: "Clap Yo Hands C'mon Put Yo Hands Togetha!"

Justin: "JC ate like adozen ice cream sandwiches."
Chris: "WE OWE 32 DOLLARS!!!"

JC To Rachel: "Hi, how ya doin?"
Rachel: "DUh..dUHH..wooooowee!!"
J.C: "Haha I'm fine"

JC: "Here you go sweetheart"(Wooohoo! Boy said dat to me! KINSEY)
Kinsey's mum to Justin and Lance:"We drove all the way from Dallas TX, we got up at the crack of dawn! Momma didn't get no sleep!"
:::Lance cracks up. Kinsey is balling:::
Kinsey's mum to Justin: "Justin this is Kinsey, she's ya'lls biggest fan."
Justin: "Well thank you" :::SMILES::: (OMG! LOL)
Lance: "Aw, don't cry" (Lance to me woohoo!)
Joey: "I'm Joey. You ok?" :::AND TAKES MY HAND:::

Justin pointing to JC:
"I'm the cookie man and he's Mista Skittles!" JC: "I want you...what?! I want you nuthin! I want cookies, I'm hungry!"

Justin: "I'm... I'm mutt. No, I have some American Indian in me, but a little bit of German, and a little bit of Irish."
Chris: "He's right. That's exactly what he is, a mutt, no, I think we're all mutts too. Because I have Indian, Irish and Spanish in me so..."

Joey: "People always go on about our age differences, but we're all on the same level really."
Justin: "Hey, I'm bigger than you.....quite a different level!!!"
Joey: "Yeah, but you're already the tallest AND you're still growing, so when that keeps up, you'll look really strange!!! We're on the same level. Really!"

Lance: "We all got our character voices down. Our dream is to be South Park characters. "
JC: "We want to write a South Park song for them. "
Lance: "We all break into The Real World opening. "

Chris: "Hi! We're here! You were worried about us, but now we're here! You thought we quit, didn't you? We didn't!"
Justin: "We're not going duet!"

Justin: "Hi, I'm Justin."
Joey: "Hello, I'm Joey."
Lance: I'm George....
:::J.C's Laughing::: J.C: "HI!"
Chris: "You're name stupid!"

Chris: "I make alot of mistakes!"
J.C: "He makes more than most."
Question Dude: "What was your biggest mistake so far this week?"(2 Chris)
Chris: "Oh, what was her name?"

Justin,Chris,and Joey: "I'd like to buy a vowel. I'd like to buy an OHHHH!"

Ananda (VJ): "What exactly does Girl Power mean to you?"
Lance: "We have no idea!"
Chris: "I don't know but I bet the Spice Girls can kick our butts!"
Justin: "Hey, hey! No, there's only four of them now!"
Chris: "Oh, we're taking them on! That's it! I forgot they lost a member!"

When asked if stardom changed them:
Lance: "I just think I'm in a dream."
Chris: "I think I'm in Lance's dream."

Joey: "He's [JC] been in prison for about what, five years?"
Lance: "That [doing MMC] was their punishment."

DJ: "Ok you guys are in an elevator! The elevator crashes. Your stuck in there for a year! Which one of you to eat first??"
JC: "I'm diggin' in on all of em dude ya know!"
Justin: "I think they'd probably eat me....."
Chris: "Lance!"
Justin: "..Cuz I'm high in protein!"
JC: "I dunno!"
DJ: "'N SYNC Steaks!"
Chris: "Lance is pretty sweet!"
JC: "Yeah!"
Justin: "Lance got a big old butt...."
Justin and JC: "I know I told you I be true... cuz Lance got a big old butt, so I'm eatin' you!"

J.C., Chris, Lance, & Johnny Wright: "Knights are goin' down, down down down. Knights are goin' down, down down down!"
(B-Ball Game)

Kobe Bryant: "I told him I was gonna kill him."
(Kobe Bryant about Justin)
Justin: "Well, I figure since he's already in the NBA, he can't embarrass me, cuz I don't play!"
(Justin about Kobe)
Joey: "It doesn't matter though, you still lost, right?"

Justin & Chris: "Eat eat eat, all day long. Eat eat eat, while I sing this song. Eat eat eat, cuz it tastes so good. Eat eat eat...in your neighborhood!"

Justin: "She really is short."
Melissa Joan Hart: "He's really young!"
Justin: "I'm sorry."
Melissa: "Back it up, boy."

Lance:"Actually, Chris takes a long time with his hair."
Chris: "What are you trying to say?"
Lance: "I'm saying you take a long time with your hair, man."

Lance: "Justin fans, watch out. Cuz when we come back we're gonna pick his little brain for the deepest darkest secrets. So we'll see you soon. Bye!"
Justin: "Whacha talkin' about, 'little brain'??"

Joey: "What was that song again? You are a... "
Justin: :::nods::: "Loser."

Rub A Dub Dub 'N The Tub Wit' NSync. Contact Kinsey.