my encounters

From Kinky14kt/// November 20, 1998
Today is November 20. My encounters all happened yesterday. This is kind of long, since so much happened but I will try to make it short. I live in St. Petersburg, Florida. And last weekend on a local radio station (93.3 FLZ) they were giving away pairs of tickets to a talk show here called Jack Harris LIVE. Thousands of people wanted these tickets because NSYNC were appearing on the show for a special private concert for the winners. But there were only 100 spots in the studio (since the studio is in the Brandon Town Center which is a mall and the studio is like an old shoe store or something) So the only way to get in was to be caller 9 and win them. I tried sooooo hard to win but ended up being callers 3,4,1, and 6 each time I tried. Well, yesterday the show was at 11:30 am. I stayed home from school and my best friend Jen and I drove all the way over there (2 hours) at 8am. We got kicked out of the mall, so we went outside and saw ... the tour bus! Security would not let us near it so we stood right by the back door of the studio for two hours waiting for them to get out and go into the show. We got to talk to Joey's brother, Britney Spears, *NSYNC's choreographer Jamar,and the wardrobe lady. We got to touch the clothes she was taking over to the bus. Then we saw Chris sitting in the driver's seat. We screamed and went hysterical, crying our eyes out. He honked the horn at us. At 11:25(by this time there were 200 people standing nearby waiting for them) they got out of the bus and started walking straight towards us (well we were kind of standing by the door they needed to get through) We were crying and screaming. Security had to hold us back but when they were walking through the door, Joey said "Let them in and they'll stop all the yackin" Justin winked at me, and the other guys just waved and laughed and told us to chill. Then MJ(from the MJ and BJ morning show on 93.3) told us he would see what he could do to get us in. The fire marshall said absolutely not due to some law about fire hazards or some bull like that. But then Jack Harris came out the door and took us inside and out to the lobby of the studio where we got to watch the show. All the girls outside the lobby windows were cussing us but we just waved and smiled. Then we left the lobby early and went outside and sat down by the backstage door again. They came out and when we realized they were heading to the bus we ran down there. Then all the screaming girls followed us. We stood on top of the security cars that were blocking the bus. I was crying so hard and then I did some crazy tongue thing at Joey and he smiled and told JC to look at me and I did it at him and they were laughing. Then Chris got out and put some little remote control car on the ground and got back in and made it run around. It was so cute! Then they got into the limo. Jen and I got into the car and followed the limo to some Chinese food place in Tampa where we finally got their autographs. Joey wrote "To the tonguey honey" and JC wrote "I liked your tongue dance." I didn't get Justin's autograph and that was sad because I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I couldn't stop crying but they told me that they would be mad if I didn't calm down so I did. I was so overwhelmed. I had gotten closer to them then I ever thought I would in my life. Then on our way home we were listening to the radio and they were doing an interview at 93.3 and we just happened to drive by it so we pulled over and went to the back of the station where the limos were behind a fence. I had to pee so bad but I didn't want to leave because I thought I would miss them so I went behind the car. We waited for an hour and then they came out and I got Justin, Chris, and Lance's autographs. They were all like "It's the tongue girl!!" and I told Justin how much I loved him and how I was going to the concert that night and he said that if we left the concert early that we could come down to the bus and see them again. When they left they all blew me those peace sign kiss things and I did the tongue thing again and Joey did it back and I was crying so hard and Justin was going "ssshhh" They drove away but the best was yet to come. When we got to the concert that night at the USF Sundome in Tampa, we looked for the bus so we could wait for them after the concert. We were standing behind a railing looking down on the bus. They were getting out of the bus and we screamed at them from above. There was no one around yet because we were three hours early. The bus driver said "look who it is" and Joey waved at us. Jen slipped over the railing and rolled down the hill and hit her head making her pass out so I ran down there in my platforms and I tripped and fell on top of her. It was so embarrassing! But Lance jogged towards us and asked if we were ok. Jen told him she felt like a retard. Then he said to be more careful in our "spice girl shoes" and went inside with everyone else. We felt like idiots. We waited outside for a half an hour and people started pouring in but the doors were still locked. Our seats sucked really bad. They were 3rd level. So we went to the entrance for the fan club seats and the ticket man probably wasn't checking our tickets because he let us come in. When the concert finally started we were standing right in front of the stage. Justin pointed at Jen and I was so jealous. But I got to touch him when he put his hand down into the crowd. When an usher caught onto us he made us leave the area and go to our seats. But we didn't listen to him. We went to these stairs and sat there for a while. I threw my glow stick onto the stage and Lance put it in his pocket. Then Joey recognized me and pointed at me. Then the mean usher told us to go to our seats or we would get arrested. So we just took off our shoes and ran as fast as we could outside and down the hill to the bus. We talked to a man who said "aren't you the one that was doing a whole bunch of crazy stuff with your tongue at the mall today?" I told him that was me and he said "was that directed to me or to NSYNC?" when I told him NSYNC he got mad. He called me a Hot Momma and when we found out he was the bus driver I asked if I could give him a hug. The pervert said "You can do a lot more than that to me" But then security made us go back up to the top of the hill with the crowd. We got with the people who had Meet and Greet passes to go down and talk to the guys after the concert so we snuck down there with them. We got to hug them all and they remembered me!!! Justin and Joey kissed my hands and then some mean lady who had passes told on us and security made us leave. Justin said sorry and Joey did my tongue thing and we were escorted away from there. But we had had the best day in the world and I love those guys so much. Joey is now my fave because he has to be the nicest. I hope that all you NSYNC fans out there get to have a day like this because it is the best feeling to go to sleep at night knowing what happened was for real. * N SYNC rules!!


From CnYsN/// October 30, 1998
You are not going to believe me but five years ago (long before N Sync made it big) I went to Orlando and my aunt took me "Orlando Studios" to see "The Beetlejuice Grave yard Revue" and as I am typing this I am looking at a picture of Joey dancing! I barely remember it but my aunt said I loved it!! If I had a scanner I would send you a picture because Joey has the oddest Look on his face! It is now my prized possession. I don't even think that cameras where aloud But I am so glad that I took that camera!


From TommyGal/// October 13th '98
I was in the Orlando Airport food court on August 10, I was getting ready to go back to NY, after dancing at Disneyworld for a few days. I was walking to my table, I looked in the Burger King expressway line, and I saw Justin Timberlake and Lance Bass standing in line!!! I was so shocked! It was like a dream! I quickly snuck a picture of them turned around, and I ran to my table and told my friends, they didn't believe me at first, then like 30 seconds later, Justin, Lance, JC and a bodyguard came and sat at the table right next to us!! I can't even describe the feeling I was having! It was unbelievable!! We got up and asked if we could get their autographs and a few pictures, they were really nice and said sure! I was so happy! I got to stand next to Justin in the pictures! And they turned out really good! It was really weird because there was like 75 other people in the food court and no one knew who they were! People who saw us with them must have thought they were just our absolutely gorgeous boyfriends! (I WISH!!) After the pictures, we got to sit and eat breakfast with the boys, and we got to talk to them for like half an hour!! They are all so nice! Lance was probably the most talkative, which suprised me, I used to think he was shy. JC was really sweet and nice, and Justin was kinda quiet until you started talking to him, then he was really cool and funny! We talked about all sorts of things, they seemed really interested in what we were talking about. We told them that we were getting back from dancing at disneyworld and they thought that was really cool. When we were leaving, I got to hug them all! they all smelled so good! And they gave great hugs!! :o) I would love to meet them again someday, they are so awesome!!


From unknown/// '99
This could be totally different from anyone else's, and I just want to make that  totally clear.   OK, well, I went to a meet and greet which was totally lame.   They had like 100 people in a packed room and they allowed us to ask questions before we got their autographs.   Well I had  a question yet they only allowed like 5 people to ask questions, which totally pissed me off.   Then we got to go get their autographs.   But we could only get one autograph from each member, unless we had one of the 8x10 individuals that they sell at the concerts.   Well I left my Joey one at home, so that didn't help, and I went and got my CD cover autographed.   Well Justin didn't even say Hi to me or anything, but he was totally trying to make conversation with my younger cousin.   I was like OK, what do I say  So I told him that I like his hair, even though I don't, and I patted him on the head, which I now realize was really stupid.   Okay well next was Chris and he was really nice and made conversation, and when I asked him if I could take a pic of him he said sure and patiently smiled when my camera decided not to take the pic right away.   And then there was Joey,   and my cousin and I told him about  our experience at the last concert they had in Vegas.   My dad, uncle, cousin had seen him at one of the Blackjack tables, and didn't even call us up from our rooms!!  So he was totally sympathizing for us and stuff.   Next was JC,  and we got our passes through his girlfriend Bobbi which is a friend of my aunts, and we told him to tell her thanks, totally expecting him to say "Oh, you know Bobbi or something" but he didn't, he didn't say anything!!! I was so angry.   But then it was my Lancie!  My cousin got to him before I did and she was taking a pic of him and he saw her and without having to say anything to him he looked up at her and smiled.   It was so cute.   Then I got to him and asked for a hug, and I got one!!! It was the best moment of my life!!  I was in shock! Then I tried to take a pic of all of them, but Lonnie stood in my way and told us to leave already, and all I have is a pic of his big belly!!  It was really great but it could have been better.   Also this was over Thanksgiving break and I think that a few of them (JC) could have been cranky since they haven't toured since the summer, and it was their first time back since that summer tour.


From Lizbeth/// '99
Hey! I just wanted to say I went to the Miss teen USA pageant and it was so awesome in person! August 24th was the 1st day of school here in Shreveport, Louisiana.   That was horrible because it was also the day that *NSYNC would be here! Well, that didn't matter though. Me and my best bud Natalie checked out at 10:45am to go to the miss teen USA dress rehearsal *NSYNC would be there and perform live. So we were psyched! The rehearsal didn't start till 1pm, but we wanted to be there  early so we could get in line. Well, I can't say exactly how, but we got into the  rehearsal 30minutes early. When we got in there, there was only 15 people in the audience.   They were all family of the delegates.   Well me and Natalie got 4th row center and watched *NSYNC joke around. They were singing off key and joking around. And when miss Tennessee walked by Justin was like "Yeah Miss Tennessee!" LOL it was great. Joey was so funny too. He's my fav so I was excited.  Then he took off his hat and his hair was hot pink!   I was like ohh man LOL. Well, at about 12:15pm the closed rehearsal was over.   So me and Natalie just sat there smiling. Then at 12:30 the doors opened for the public to come in for the dress rehearsal All these girls ran (and I mean ran and pushed and screamed) down to the floor seats so they could see *NSYNC.  Then finally at 1:00pm Carson walked out and everyone  started screaming so loud.  Then they showed the video of the delegates playing football and the song "All Star" was playin'. Carson was dancin' and singing along. It was so cute =)  Well *NSYNC came out and I got some hot pix of them!!  I was starin' at Joey the whole time! He even saw me lookin' at him and he smiled! I coulda melted!  They did very good. When they sang IDMC Carson was off to the side singin' it along with *nsync LOL.  It was cool.  Ok after IDMC  was over my friend Natalie was off to go meet *nsync!  She met 'em at their hotel and said that Justin was such a brat. But of course my Joe-Joe was sweet :)  And she said that JC is gorgeous in person!!  But back at the rehearsal me and Natalie's cousin yelled "We love you Carson" and he waved and smiled and said "Yeah, yeah me too" LOL it was so cute.   Ok then I went home and was so excited!! Our seats were on the left side. The first section beside the stage.  We could see backstage too, so it was cool.  They were AWESOME seats.  Great view!! During IDMC when all the girls lined up in front of them  at the end me and Natalie yelled "We love you Joey!" and he looked at us and smiled and waved!! And we did the same to JC and he smiled and waved =)  Ok after the pageant was over I was sooo excited cuz it was time for the Miss Teen USA Ball. First we found Miss Colorado and talked to her.  Nat met her a few days earlier and we kinda made friends.  She was so sweet.  At the ball we first saw Coolio. We ran over there and got pix and autographs.  He was real cool, but he was sooo drunk LOL. Then we saw this Huge group of girls and in the middle was Colin off of the Real World Hawaii!! We had been waiting all week to meet him!! He is soooo gorgeous in person. We got autographs with him too. Then we say Eric Lively from So Weird. He was also in American Pie.  Miss Colorado was waitin on him to finish autographs cuz he was supposed to be her date LOL.  He was the sweetest of them all. These two girls behind me pushed me into him and he goes "Well, I guess your next hun" and started laughin' He took pix with us and gave us autographs. We say Ali Landry, we also met Carson, He's really cool in person, but we didn't get pix cuz he had to leave early cuz there were TONS on girls around him. *NSYNC didn't show up cuz there was no where near enough security. LOL girls were goin' crazy for Colin. I mean think of what they would do with *NSYNC! LOL. But we had a great time anyway!  That is one day (night) that I will NEVER NEVER forget! I CAN'T WAIT till next years Miss teen USA pageant. Who knows who will be there. Maybe *NSYNC again.  HmMmM.......also did you guys see the Behind the scenes with the Miss Teen USA pagaent on E! ??? It showed all the people and some of the action that me and my friend witnessed by accident! LOL =P


From Erin/// '99  
I live in Pittsburgh, PA and I'm obsessed with *nsync, especially Justin!!!  I went to the concert at the Civic arena on March 8 and I went to both concerts at Star Lake on July 10 and 11.   However I met them on Saturday, July 10.   The night before me and some of my friends,   Sarah and Christobel got together to prepare for the concert the next day.   Since we knew we were going to meet them, we went and bought Justin presents.   We bought him a North Carolina baby blue hat, a white Tar Heels shirt with baby blue letters, a teddy bear, a basketball that we all signed,   and baby blue NIKE socks!   We also made them a video of ourselves getting ready for the concert.   The next day we stand in line for the meet and greet and its our turn to meet them!   We walk in and the first person we met was Justin!!  We gave him the presents and said "Happy belated birthday" he laughed and said thank you and looked at the gift and he saw the socks and said, "these socks are phat!!!"  he showed them to Chris because Chris was sitting right next to him.   He signed our CD covers and I went to Chris.   I said "Welcome home!" Chris said "Hey, well its good to be back,   but I was also just back for the 4th of July!" he signed my CD and I went to Lance.   I really didn't say anything to Lance cause I don't like him that much.   Joey was next and he said "Hi Hun!" I said "You don't understand how much I love you guys!   This is a dream come true."  he said "Well, I'm glad we could make your dream come true."  and he had just recently dyed his hair red, but he had a hat on.  So, I said "I like your new hair color." he then took off his hat and rubbed his hand through his hair and said "Thank you!"  I then took out the video and put it in between Joey and Lance and said This is a video me and some of my friends made for you"  Joey said "Well, thanks. We'll be sure to watch it on the way back to the hotel."  he signed my CD cover and I went to JC and he said "Hey Sweetie!" and I said"Hey!" he signed it but I didn't get to say anything to him because the security guard pushed me away.   That was the day that I met *nsync!! OO and I forgot to tell ya! On July 11, Justin wore the socks we gave him!!! U can even see them at the very end of the MTV All Access thing with *nsync! :)


Hi ya'll!
This is Shannyn! I'd like to tell ya about an awesome experience me and my friend Lanie recently had, so sit back, relax, and enjoy!
On Thursday July 29, 1999 Lanie and I went to an Nsync concert in Columbus, Ohio. The concert didn't start till 7:30 but me and Lanie met at a Bob Evans at about 11 a.m. We ate and then went driving around. Lanie and I had tickets for an Nsync after party so we drove around to try to find where the place was. We found it and then we decided to go hunt down the five fine fellas of Nsync. We found a hotel with 2 buses in the parking lot. We didn't know who they were so we parked in the parking lot and being that I had to use the lil girls room we went into the hotel
(which was The Mariott. It was quite nice by the way so anyone who wants to stay at a nice hotel in Columbus...I recomend it! The people were very nice there which you will find out in just a minute.) Well, it was very hot that day and I tend to get very bad migranes from the heat. Well I had one at that time. Well we went in and were directed to the bathroom and instead of using the resteroom I sick. That's right Ladies and gentle men I got sick,threw up, puked, called Ralph, whatever you'd like to call it.
My wonderful friend escorted me out of the resteroom and to a sofa. A lady walking by asked if I was ok and ran and got me some ice water. Another guy went and got me a wet towel while two other guys came up to me to ask if I needed an ambulance (did I really look that bad?!?). Then the hotel manager(a very nice lady) came up and asked if I needed to lay down. (My friend and I are still wondering if she was gonna give us a free hotel room.) I told everyone I'd be fine I just needed to sit there for a minute and regain my pride and get rid of the dizziness. Lanie took this oppurtunity to ask the nice hotel manager who's buses were parked in the front. Of course being a responsible respectable hotel manager that she is she told us she didn't know. (Which of course we didn't believe.)
I got to keep the towel (YIPPEEE! by the way, it's hanging on my wall...hehehe, just kidding, but I had ya going there for a minute didn't I?!) and my friends and I headed back to the car. Being that I had brought my binoculars for the concert, Lanie got the brilliant idea to try to look through the bus windows with them, but there were too many cars in the way. Therefore we had a friend pull up almost directly next to the buses
(oh no that's not obvious at all! Just imagine looking out of the bus window and seeing a car parked next to you with a girl in the back seat looking at you through binoculars...nope, not noticeable at all!). We didn't get anywhere with the spying. A girl and her mom drove up next to us and told us that she had heard Nsync was staying at the Sheraton so we raced our lil booties over. All we saw however was a black limo in the back parking lot(which Lanie insisted we take a picture of.). As we were driving back there then another girl freaked cuz she thought she spotted Johnny Wright
(Nsync's awesome manager for those of you who don't know who he is). Lanie and I of course screamed for her to go back and find him and being the awesome person she is, she did so.
As we were pulling around to go to the doors we almost hit the person she thought was Johnny, we then figured out that it wasn't him(after you almost hit a guy, you tend to find things out, he knew a lot of vulgar words too! Shame on him..hehehehe).
We decided to go back and give up our search and just go to McDonalds for something to drink before we all keeled over and died. We sat in McDonalds forever listening to millions of girls come in and out and giggle and gossip about Nsync. Lanie tried many times to start singing "I Want It That Way" by The Backstreet Boys, but being that some Nsync fans aren't too fond of the fab BSB, My Friend Amanda and I decided it wasn't a good idea to let her do that, seeing as how we really didn't want to get beat up at McDonalds. (Just so you all know, when I die, I"d like to go in peace, not by some girl who is killing me because I like Nick Carter!) Finally, after about 2 hours of sitting in McDonalds (and me obsessing over the fact that I got something on my butt, which Lanie claimed they couldn't see, which I found out later that they were right...Sorry!) we left and headed to the venue. Talking about traffic! We finally got to park(after me and Lanie whistled at some mega hotties that were cutting across a gas station parking lot, one of whom lifted up his shirt to show us his sexy pale stomach! woohoo baby!) in the venue parking lot and after waiting with a bunch of sweating, screaming girls in front of the venue, we were allowed in. We walked over to this stage where they had some opening acts before the main opening acts started (before they would let anyone go to their seats.)
I took all of Lanie's stuff while she went to the front of the stage to get her groove on (see what a nice person I am?). The pre-opening acts were Michael Aferick(he performed first, he's awesome! To Micheal~ we're soooo sorry we didn't meet you at the radio station! We were sleeping!) then Billy Crawford(who was also mighty awesome and I know he had to be hot with all that hair of his flying around, but that boy can move!), then InoJ...she was great. During InoJ, Lanie was in the front holding her hand singing the whole time. After the opening acts we waited for them and got to meet them all. Michael is a very sweet guy...
After that we went to the concert which was incredible as always!(You go boys!) After the
We made it to the afterparty place and it was $5 to park but the guy(who was pretty cute) told us it was $10 if we wanted a good spot, so we went with the good spot. We parked while he got us change and when he handed Lanie back the change he said "Here you go baby" (Hmmmmm!!!) and we went in. We waited in line and when we got up to the the guy who was supposed to give us wrist bands (he was mega hott!) he flirted with us. He saw my "WWJD?" bracelet and was like "What would Jesus do?" and I was like "I dunno" and he was like "NO seriously I wanna know, what would Jesus do?" and I was like "I honestly have no clue!" and he laughed and put my arm band on(which he put on tooo big and It could've fallen off if I hadn't been careful! That woulda been great! Getting kicked out!). Then he asked Lanie for her ID
(cuz he was checking them) she was like "I don't have mine cuz I forgot it."(which was true) he said "Well when's your birthday?" She told him and he goes "Well I believe you, just because you're cool" and we were both like "yeah I know." Then we got up to another guy who had to hold us back to wait for some other people to come out cuz it was so crowded in the club. Well Nsync appeared and the girls inside started to scream but of course me and Lanie couldnt see a thing(the fact that I'm only 5'0 didn't help much either! hehehe). Well the guy was like "if you really want to see I can put you on my shoulders." and I was like "Nah, that's alright" and he pointed to his arm and was like "I have muscles" and he bent down and pointed to his shoulders again. I just laughed.
I was like "I have no doubt that you have muscles or that you could pick me up but, no thanks" and he laughed and stood back up. He finally let us in and we worked our way to the front of the stage.
(Note: they weren't performing on the stage, Chris was doing his turn table/scratching records thing,and the other guys and their friends were just dancing.)
Nsync wasn't on it yet so I took the time to change my film. It was really crowded and very hard to move but I managed. Well Nsync came out and everyone freaked, but I managed to get some pics while they were on stage.
Ok, after all the picture taking I started to get really squished! So squished that I was starting to hypervenelate(I'm guessing that's spelled wrong!) and cry because I was in such pain. I woulda turned around and knocked someone out but I figured Nsync didn't want anyone fighting, and the fact that I couldn't move enough to turn around in the first place didn't help much either.
Lanie, who is da bomb, was finally able to get to me and wrapped her arm around me so she could beat people off if they tried squashing me again. However, it was a little too late. I was hot, in pain, and still having trouble breathing so what did I guessed it....I passed out! Next thing I know I'm being lifted out of the crowd and onto the stage by a big burly bodyguard. He passed me to another body guard named Lonnie(I know this cuz Lonnie is awesome! He's a former BSB bodyguard!
He's also the guy in Nsync's "I Drive Myself Crazy" Vid with the bunny ears!! Awwww how cute!! Lonnie you rule!)

Lonnie So Sexy In the Bunny Ears BaBy

and the bodyguard who passed me to him told Lonnie to take me outside and walk me around. Lonnie said "No, we're taking her to the lounge!" (Note: the lounge was for people with VIP passes only or had to be invited by Nsync.) He passed me to other bodyguards on the side of the stage. Then the guy that had given me and Lanie the arm bands came running up screaming "I got her I got her!" and wrapped his arm around my waist(unfortunately I didn't really enjoy it considering I wasn't really "with it." Oh how depressing!).
Lanie came running up and a bodyguard tried to push her away from me but she screamed "That's my friend!" (you go girl!) and the guy holding me told the body guard to grab Lanie and follow us. They layed me down on a sofa like thing for me to rest.
Now the excitement begins.... Lance came in like 5 minutes after us and went over by the bar thing. Lanie went to get me some water and when she went over there, and she tapped him on the shoulder. She was like "My friend just passed out, could you go say hi to her?' and he said "Yeah sure" however, he never came over. (Don't worry Lance, I'll try not to hold it against ya hehehhe.)
After about 10 minutes Joey came in. He had company with him but he waved in our direction and did that Manly nodd that guys often do(I've tried doing it before but when I do it I just look incredibly stupid!). After that Chris came in but we're pretty sure he had family there and he was escorted directly to them but he looked over and waved also. Next was the ever so dreamy Justin(::sigh::).
Right when Justin walked in the room he came directly over to me. He was like "Omigosh are you ok?" and I was able to get out a "yeah" and he was like "What's your name?" and I said "Shannyn" however he didn't hear me so he had to lean in real close (I'm telling you I could've easily planted a kiss on him right there but I figured I didnt' want to scare him to death and making him go running and screaming away from me. I decided to take a rain check on that! Guess I should inform him of that huh? ::shrugs::) so he could hear me and I told him again. He took my hand really gently like he thought he'd break me or something and said "It's nice to meet you Shannyn, I'm Justin" and I said "It's nice to meet you too" then he introduced himself to Lanie. He looked down and noticed I was out of water and was like "Can I get you anything? More water?" and I was like "Uh..." and before I could really answer he was off. Me and Lanie just kinda looked at eachother and next thing I know there were to bodyguards standing over me with bottles of water.
They looked at eachother funny but they decided to give one to Lanie.
Justin came back and was like "oh good you got your water, so what happened? Are you sure you're ok?" and I said "yeah I just got squished" and he was like "I know! I tried getting on the mic and telling to people back up but they didn't listen. It's getting really out of hand." and then he sat down next to me, and layed his hand on my leg.
He started rubbing my leg (if anyone has seen the "I Drive Myself Crazy" video where he's sitting on the bleachers with that one girl and he's rubbing her leg....that's what he was doing so you know what i'm talking about!
(Try not to freak out!) and then layed his hand on my hip.(I was laying on my side. Lanie insists on saying "He rubbed you the right way." ::stiffles laughter:: My friends are insane, what can I say?!). And he continued to ask if I was ok. JC then came in and came directly over to us. He asked Lanie(which she loved!) what happened and she explained that I had passed out and he was like "Awww I hope she's ok" and he smiled at us both then went over to his Bro (who was also concerned.) I assured Justin I was fine and he told me he'd be back and went to do some mingling. He came back to check on me quite a few times. I just rested and me and Lanie watched everything that went on around us. We were about to leave and Justin was going to come talk to us but some people started to talk to him. There fore we didn't get to say good bye to him or get a picture with him or tell him thankyou for caring so much. I wish I woulda been able to tell him thankyou.
Well that was our adventure, I hope you enjoyed hearing about it! I know you're thinking I'm insane but tell much fun would this world be without insane people like me around?! ::waits for answer:: uh huh! See that's what I though! hehehehe
Take care, Have fun and Be safe!
Much Love,


From Rachel/// August 14, 1999 - Dallas, TX
Me and one of mah buds (Brittany, Kinsey couldn't make it) arrive at the place where 'N Sync is going to be later on to do a building dedication at 8:00 am. We expected to see 100's of girls, but to our surprise, we saw only about 10! Woohoo so we were sorta glad too, knowing we'd get a good spot by the stage. We sat on the concrete for about two hours, then finally at 10 am we all fought for a good spot in line (Deh Chris fans are brutal yo! I had to let em' know who was boss... Cutting in line is bad, you know who you are!) Soon enough, they let us in one by one, and we all ran like mad for the stage. Britt and I got a really good spot on the left part of the stage in front row. Well we thought we were all set now, just to wait for 'N Sync. WRONG! Waiting in 100 degree weather is torture, I stood in the same spot until 12 o clock (by this time I was wishing I hadn't worn that Tech Vest that looked so good that morning...), while Brittany went back and forth in da shade cuz she was about to faint (not sure if it was the heat or the thought of seeing JC... awww yea). At 12:00 a few Coca-Cola peeps went up onstage and threw frisbee's out into the audience. VERY BAD IDEA! They threw a bunch my way, but the MOM behind me literally jumped on top of me to get one of them, needless to say, I was scared. FINALLY, 'N Sync's limo drove up, and our Mayor gave a speech about Anti-Teen Violence. When da boyz made their way onto the stage the little (um I shouldn't say little.....) teenybopper next to me nearly had a heart attack, "JUSTIN!! O-MI-GAWD!!! ::breathe, scream:: JUUUUUSTTINNNNN!! I LOOOOVE YOUUUU!!!! ::teenybopper smacks Rachel with her freakin sign::" She ruined about 5 good pictures... anyway, Dey all looked FINE yo. JC and Justin were right in front of us, then Joey a little to the right. JC gave his speech about how Dallas was one of the first cities to catch onto their music, etc. Justin had this really cute look of confusion on his face, so I took a pic (turns out he was just showing off, he love's to stick his dang tongue out).
[tongue picture coming soon]
Then these little girls brought these 5 Dallas Stars Stanley Cup jerseys onstage for 'N Sync, and they all got hugs ;o) (Although they looked sorta scared, specially the girl with JC... they had to push her onstage!) Next, 'N Sync did what they came to do, cut the ribbon accross the front of the stage (for the opening of some building). It was so cute, when Joey cut his part the ribbon fell to the ground and he got this surprised look on his face. As they were all leaving, Steve came out with his famous video camera, and then the guy from Say What Karaoke (when Joey judged, "Joey your not just the bomb, your atomic!" ::laugh::) came out feelin all special. 'N Sync made the mistake of parking their limos in a gated fence, that everyone could see through, so we all watched them get in and drive off.
