kinsey thanks...

Thanks Lan!

These are all people who I LUFF and who support me! Taking time out of their busy lives to check out this little computer geek's website! Sending me uplifting messages! Just being my friend. If you feel cheated and like your name should be posted on this page... in the words of Ben Stiller... "shout me a holla dog." My email is at the bottom of the screen. If you suck up like a mofo you've got a REALLY REALLY REALLY good chance of getting on here! Greatness.. Here we go:

My favorite people in the world... CRYSTAL, you're gorgeous! You're my bestfriend... Have been since as long as I can remember. If it weren't for you I don't know what or who I'd be. I love ya! So does Bon Jovi... AKE THE JOVSTER! "SHOT THROUGH THE HEART AND YOU'RE TO BLAME- YOU GIVE LOOOOVE A BAD NAME!"

There are few people that I e-mail every day -SEVERAL TIMES- a day... Meet JORDAN! Jordan, Thank you for being my friend! You are undoubtedly my best online friend and we are so much alike that it's frightening! We will one day cause some major chaos! Luv ya my brotha from anotha motha! (She is SO FUNNY TOO!)

Jason!!! He wont ever read this... but I just love him like no other. No one makes me smile the way he does. His girlfriend is a skank though. WE DON'T LIKE HER. She isn't as pretty as me =o) "Don’t you forget I had him first..." -Toni Braxton

Jenni, Thank you for being so uplifting and supportive. I am lucky to know you. COME VISIT ME!

Thanks Val

Rachel, I grew up alot with you. This is still OUR website. I do miss you! Lauren is the devil! Grrr.

Stace, (You're not an idiot.) You are living your dream. How many people our age can say that? I'm so happy for you. When you hook up with Chris, Send Lance my way!

My "Arts & Entertainment- NSYNC" friends! Laneé (Who is just hilariously entertaining), Helen (OMG! LMAO! ROFLMAO!), & Susan (Thanks so much for linking me to your profile homepage!!!)

Jason didn't even think it was MY website. Dork.

My parents................... even though they get ticked off at me when I get completely involved in my site and hog the computer.

My little brothers, "Skittles" & Greyson. They both rock. I make better websites than "Skittles." He can't handle it.

My Uncle Bubba. I worship the ground he walks on.

Aunt Sally & Baby Ruby. You're both beautiful!

Thanks Car

I don't know WHY I'd be thankin' NSync. They should be thanking ME for making such a gorgeous site about them. Where's their appreciation?! Justin's appreciation is all up- all over Titney Spears! I cried when I saw his stupid butt kiss her on MTV Diary. WHHHHHHY? WHHHHHHHHY?!

I will thank Lance for being so groovy...

My Girl Lan!

Oh MY Gosh, I love the show Jackass....

Thanks to the creators of PEZ

Carson Daly because he rocks like a beast!

Thanks Blair!

Britney Spears for putting unrealistic expectations in the minds of teenagers around the world (sarcasm!)

Who else to thank? Who else to thank? God. He's the man. Amen sister friend.
kinsey thanks...


rachel & kinsey thank...Rachel & Kinsey's Thanks 2000:

Mr.Overstreet Big shout out! We love you man!

Our friends, You know who you are, for putting up with us.

All of our parents For not taking AOL Away

'N Sync
For not sending us TOO much hate mail 'bout the site.

(We also take pity on you for being so bored that you're reading our Thank You's...)

Everyone that writes us with their (POSITIVE) comments, that makes us feel so good to hear from you!

Gonna List Some Names now... KRuNkMaStA, David G., Angie from "AOMM", NsyncRPG, Taryn, AcidStars1, AWLHEART16, Marie8391, nsynclovr4lyfe, Phaki, Melissa "Tigger", Kristen "Timberlake" , REECE BAILY, Mikee for Rev 2000!...

"'N Sync Angels", "On the Tour Bus With CK & Busta", "Justin's World" Jill with "Our Outta This World 'N Sync Site", Emily, with "The Joshy Channel"

(*Kinsey* refuses to thank 106.1 KISS FM Dallas Texas entirely because back when she cried for Kiss Party 98 tickets (Nsync was OF COURSE appearing) and got them, One of the HOES at KISS FM called Kinsey's father and chewed him out! It wasn't Kinsey's father's fault. It was the stupid secretary's fault that gave Kinsey the KISS tickets for crying!--- She will however thank DJ, Domino, Because when Kinsey & Rach sang for The End of Summer Bash Tix (Nsync was OF COURSE appearing) He hooked them up with FOUR tickets!)
Thanks to Domino of KISS FM Dallas,
Eric Chase from KJ103 OKC
(Because he put me on air when I, *Kinsey* was bitter about them not playing NSync's Bye Bye Bye!)

BSB b/c with out them there'd probably be no 'N Sync
LOL I'm gonna get in trouble for that one.
Oh NKOTB for the same reason.
Manudo, same reason.
Jackson 5, same reason..
I'm gonna stop now..

Our crack dealer... (We're Just Kidding about that one)

Joey for being the sweetest 'N Sync member
I could say J.C for being the best looking but Rachel would beat me over the head...

LOL and "Busta D. Dawg" for helpin us out!

Rub A Dub Dub 'N The Tub Wit' NSync. Contact Kinsey.