As many and most of you know a new set was released a few days ago in Japan. This Sunday I saw a lot of the new cards. These Pokemon are from Gold and Silver versions of the Game Boy Game. After viewing a graphical spoiler I have chosen some of my favorite cards. If you want to see the spoiler for yourself go to the link at the bottom of the page. But first, if you have never heard off Neo let's look at some of the newer type cards.
--Baby Pokemon- Baby Pokemon are Pokemon below basic Pokemon. Some of the baby Pokemon in Neo are Pichu, Bubie, and Pii. All baby Pokemon have the same baby power. This power states that if an opponent attacks this Pokemon when it is active your opponent must flip a coin. If tails the attack does nothing. Baby Pokemon may evolve into their basic form. They usually have 30HP.
--Pokemon Items- From what I understand these cards can be attached to Pokemon. They stay there until that Pokemon is knocked out. Each card has various effects. Only one Pokemon item may be attached on a Pokemon
-- Evil Energy- This card provides 1 EVIL energy. If this pokemon attacks your opponent's active pokemon the attack does 10 more damage. If you attach this card to a non-evil pokemon that pokemon receives 10 damage at the end of your turn.
--Steel Energy-This card Provides1 STEEL energy. If damage is done to a Pokemon with a steel energy the damage is reduced by 10. If a steel energy is attached to a non-steel pokemon than damage done by this pokemon is reduced by ten.
I think that raps up the new cards. Now let's look at some of my favorites.
--Kurimi-Like Bill but you have to put two cards from your hand into your deck. Good for not decking yourself.
--Pokemon March- Let's you look for a baby or basic Pokemon from your deck. Good for haymakers
--Meganiumu-Whenever a grass energy is played it counts as two grass energy's(Pokemon Power)
I know that's not a lot but I like those cards. Look for an article on Neo Picks soon. Well Here's the link to the PokeGym. They have a Graphic Neo Spoiler. Join the message board while your there. I'm under Scyther73.