Firery Garbage Man(Basic-Gym2) By:Scy73
Firery Garbage Man
- 2xArcanine
- 3xGrowlthie
- 2xKoffing
- 4xFossil Magmar
- 2xTangela
- 2xLickitung
- 3xComputer Search
- 3xBill
- 2xItem Finder
- 2xPokemon Trader
- 2xEnergy Search
- 1xRecycle
- 2xProfesser Oak
- 3xGust Of Wind
- 2xTeam Rockets Big Sister
- 2xSuper Energy Removal
- 12xFire Energy
- 10xGrass Energy
If you go to the PokeGym you may know this deck as the cleaner. I changed the name and and customized it for myself. The strategy is to get out Magmar or the grass Pokemon at the begining of the game and use their status effects. When you have a few prizes left pull out Arcanine to wipe out the rest of your prizes.