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Mr. Coward (Basic-Gym2) By: Scy73

Once again I pump out another deck idea. Like many others it wasfueled from the PokeGym Message boards which I strongly suggest you visit. Alright, here's a deck that can't be beaten if you get the right Pokemon out(almost). This is also the first deck that I have seen that uses Tentacool. What you want to do is get out Mime as your active with an Alakazam on the bench. You also need a tentacool. 2 Basic and a stage two isnt that hard to get outm with the use of the right trainers(ie: computer search, pokemon breeder). What you do is use Alakazams Pokemon Power to move the damage of Mr. Mime(who can't be killed in one turn usually) onyo the 30 HP Tentacool. Since only 20 damage per turn can be dealt 30 Hp isn't a problem. Tentacool then uses his Pokemon power to go back into your hand. That means the damage goes away. The next turn you put Tentacool back on your bench and repeat. Pretty Good,, ehh? There are only 4 energy because the only reason to attack would be Muk who can be killed in one turn by Alakazam! Well here is...... Mr. Coward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Coward