Weakness: Electric
Resistence: Fire
Retreat: 1C
Splash 2W (30)
Water Blast 4W (50+) plus 10 for each damage counter on the oponets bench and defending Pokemon.
By: LivDahl
Weakness: Fire
Resestance: Psychic
Retreat: 2C
Wrap 2C (30) The defending Pokemon is paralyzed and it may not rretreat or attak until it faints.
Poison Sting 4C (70) all of your oponets Pokemon are now poisoned. The benched Pokemon take 30 damage per turn and the active takes 20 damage per turn.
Note: This Pokemon's poison is more powerful than any other Pokemon's poison. It helps a certain type of diasese in the human body.
By: LivDhal
It has 1 Evolution
100 Hit Points
Pokemon Power: Rock Toss, Once during your turn, flip a coin if tails, this Pokemon does 30 damage to itself, if heads choose one of your opponents benched pokemon and do 30 damage to it.
Body Slam: Requires 3 Fighting and one colorless energy. Does 60 damage to Defending Pokemon.
By: Sunsh916
type:water and psychic
50 hp
weakness:electric and psychic
pokemon power:slow businuss at any time during your turn (before you attack) you may discard a card if you do it does 10 damage for a trainer 20 for an energy 30 for a fully evolved pokemon pick a benched pokemon and the damage goes to it
spacing acid (1w1p)20 damage thedefending pokemon is now poisoned chose one of the opponents pokemon (benched or avtive) and dicard 2 energy.
hologhraphic 4/62
Made By: Baileybunch2000@email.msn.com (Brenda Bailey)
NOTE FROM SCYTHER73: I stopped editing cards, I just copy and past them and add a little HTML.
Name : Zap
HP : 120
Type : electric
Weakness :nothing
Reisestince : Water
Retreat cost : 3 colorless
Pokemon Power : Faint Kill
If a this pokemon gets killed or gets hit with 80 or more damage
Zap will do 20 more damage if Zap faints give your oppents pokemon 50 damage.
Thunder Blast 3 lightning energys : 50 give one of your oppents benched pokemon
10 damage if oppoent has no bench put defending pokemon in parilys and look through his deak for a basic pokemon and put it on his/her bench
By: Livdahl
Name : Porython
Type : Evil
HP : 70
Weakness : Fire
Resistance : Grass
Retreat : 2 colorless
Rarity : Rare Neo Holo
Evil Blast :3 evil energy 50
Lonely Attack 2 evil energy
chose 1 basic poke'mon from your deck and put it on your bench. Next shuffle your deck
By: Livdahl