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Forest (Basic/Jungle) By: Jynx


This deck can be used in many ways. If you get Scythers/Pinsirs early on, it can be used as a haymaker. If you get Ivysaurs, Venomoths, and the Oddish line, it can be a status killer. If you get Venasaur/Scyther, it can be used to hit hard with Scyther, retreat, bring on another Scyther, Energy Trans to it, and just keep repeating that. If you get the Oddish line, you can use Oddish's Stun Spore, evolve to Gloom, use Smelly Odor or Poison Powder, if your short on energy evolve to Vileplume, and use Petal Dance with Full Heals. <>This is Jynx, Signing of<>
