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Livdahl's Water Deck (Basic/Jungle/Fossil) By: Livdahl

Okay, I'm assuming you have alimited card pool. So you probably can't make any changes. But here I go.


You want to add the follwing: Wartortle, 2 Blastoise, Articuno, Scyther, 2 Pinsir, and a Lapras

You want to drop the following: Electabuzz, the whole Caterpie Line.

Trainers Add: 2 Super Energy Removal, Recylcle, 2 Bill, 2 Professer Oak, 2 Energy Search, 2 Computer Search, and 2 Gust of Wind.

Energy Drop: 2 Grass, 10 water, 3 Electric I think that's Sixty. I know you probably have a limited card pool and probably can't make all the changes I've showed you. Thank's again Livdhal!

Livdahl's Water Deck