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The Mewtwo Files: Part One

Hello, my name is Mewtwo. Yes, the Pokemon. I am no regular Pokemon mind you, I can talk. I also have an IQ as high as a smart human. I am also the very first trainer that is Pokemon. I live in a secret liar inside of the unknown dungeon. People think they have caught me but all that they catch is a prototype of myself that I produced. None of these prototypes can talk, and only have the intelligence of a toddler. My life is very much like humans. I watch TV, use the Internet, and do many other human things. I am very lonely though. Sometimes I will get a visitor, the occasional Raichu, or Dodrio. I really like to talk with Chansey who stops by quit often. The unknown dungeon is a Pokemon community. I have found lost pokeballs all around the dungeon which I venture into in the middle of the night. I have a collection of 100 now. I have no money so I will have to use my skills to earn some. I am not going to fight unless it is absolutely necessary. I am a trainer, not a Pokemon. I will leave tonight and sleep at a Pokecenter. That night I slipped out with six pokeballs full of my stuff and 20 pokeballs full of food. I found the Pokemon Center easily but when I walked in the nurse fainted. Well I slept until about 7:00. I woke up to go tell the nurse about me. She was a little nervous, people always thought of me as a mean viscous Pokemon. I walked out and saw the sun for the third time in my life. The first was when they transferred me from the Pokemon Hospital to the unknown dungeon. The second was when I tried to run away as a little kid; I got caught just as soon as I saw outside. The fresh air felt so good. I stated off down the road. Some people starred, others fainted. You just don't see a Mewtwo walking down the street every day. As I was entering some woods I saw a Weedle. Hmm, I thought. I need to weaken it. I was to power full and would surely knock it out. So I lifted my foot and lightly stomped on it. Now it was mad. I stomped again almost knocking it out. That was close, I almost got a Weedle stuck in me. I through a pokeball and caught my first Pokemon. As I continued down the street I saw a couple people. One actually talked to me. "Are you a Mewtwo?" The kid asked. Yes, I am a trainer; I just started my Pokemon quest today. "Whoa, cool, I started about three weeks ago, sorry got to run", he said bewildered. I kept a steady pace and I was about out of the woods when I saw a Pikachu. I through out Weedle. "Attack the Pikachu" I said. Pikachu looked up and frowned. Weedle used its poison sting and then tackled. It knew what to do because I could talk to him in the silent Pokemon language. Pikachu was trying to power up but Weedle was to fast. The tackles and poison stings kept on coming. Pikachu was about knocked out when he gave up and tried to use quick attack. He missed; Weedle used poison sting once more to get the KO. I through a pokeball and caught it. I needed a really good Pokemon to fight with I thought. I know what I'll do. Even though I don't like to fight I can enter a Pokemon tournament. I had seen a sign for a Pokemon tournament in the next town. I could win money, two Pokemon of my choice and 3 TMs. The prizes would get me a good start. The tournament was tomorrow. I walked into town and found the Pokecenter. I explained myself to the nurse. I healed my Pokemon and got something to eat. I then went to bed because I would need to be refreshed for tomorrow.
