Pokemon Pinball Review
Pokemon Pinball Review
The third Pokemon game for the gameboy (in the US) was called Pokemon Pinball. In the game you must try to catch all 150 Pokemon. There are two different tables (red and blue), you can only catch certain Pokemon on certain tables. There are a few steps to catch a Pokemon. First, you must make the Pokemon's picture appear. You can do this by hitting different things depending on what table you are playing. At first the picture is blank, you have to hit little balls (vlotorbs on the blue table) to make the picture appear, when this has been done you have caught a Pokemon. To evolve a Pokemon you must get the ball into a hole. The hole is activated only when the ball has been hit up a ramp so many times. After that you must get three Exp. Point thingys that are floating on the screen. After that the Pokemon should evolve. Sometimes instead of Exp. Things there will be link cables. You can also move to different cities to capture different Pokemon but I'm not gonna go in depth on that :0). There's a lot more to the game (like bonus stages and Pikachu ball savers) but that's basically it. Here's the review,
OVERALL--> 7.8
GRAPHICS--> 8.5 Good gameboy graphics! It's nice that it's in color. Actually it was the first Pokemon game (U.S of course) that was for the GBC.
CONTROLL-->??There's not exactly a lot of control so I'm not gonna give it a rating, but I guess it's good
REPLAY-->8.5You can play this game for a long time, once you catch all the Pokemon you can go fro a high score. It can get boring though.
FUN FACTOR-->7.5It's OK but it could be more fun
SOUND-->8.0I dunno, the sound is good, I guess
DIFFICULTY-->9.0The game is pretty hard. I haven't beat it yet :0) Catching Pokemon can really get annoying, downright frustrating!
-->Notes<-- Nothing much I guess
Link Cable?: No
Game Boy Color?: Yes
Transfer Pack: No
Price?:About 25-30$
Email: scyther0073@aol.com