In the Pokemon R/B/Y you are a Pokemon trainer who has to catch all 150 pokemon and defeat the elite four. To catch all of the Pokemon you must trade with other people through a link cable. Let's take a look at some of the different aspects of the game.
SOUND-->7.0The sound is good and after a while of playing you start to hum it. But it does get repetitive.
REPLAY VALUE-->8.0The only thing to do after you beat the elite four is catch all the rest of the Pokemon and then raise your Pokemon. So it does get boring after a while.
FUN FACTOR-->9.0This is the factor that makes the game stand out, the fun factor. The game is just fun! I think it's the fact that you can collect, trade, and battle Pokemon.
GRAPHICS-->8.0Regular gameboy graphics, muck improved in yellow though.
CONTROL-->Not very complicated. Basically a simplified list RPG. Moving is very basic.
DIFFICULTY-->6.5A major drag in the game is that it is to simple. Go play FF3 then play Pokemon and you will laugh.
-->Notes<-- animations in graphics in general are better in Yellow. Some Pokemon you can't catch in certain versions. If you only want one version, get yellow.
Link Cable?: Yes
Gameboy Color?: only the Yellow Version
Transfer Pack?: Yes