!!Welcome To Rocket!! By: Scy73

The next NEW set of Pokemon TCG cards will be called Team Rocket. I say Team Rocket is the next NEW set because Bas Set 2 that comes out before contains no NEW cards, Just reprints.


All Pokemon that are stage 1 and up have the word Bad in front of their name. ie: Bad Charizard, Bad Mackoke, but NOT Bad Oddish because Oddish is a basic Pokemon.


One charecteristic about the Rocket cards is the fact that all the Pokemon have low HP. In many cases a stage 2 Pokemon will only have 60 HP. Not very good.


But there is a good side. The attacks. Many of the Pokemon have status effects. It dosen't make up for the lack of HP though.


Team Rocket would most likely be placed as the worst expansion to date. The HP is just to low. The Pokemon will be killed to quikly.


Bad Blastoise-Good Attacks

Oddish-Status Effects

Bad Hypno-Good Attacks

Team Rocket's Big Sister- A Trainer that was banned in Japan

Spread the Sticky Gas-Until the End of your opponet's next turn no Pokemon Powers may be used.

Slam! Challnge Letter- LYou ask your opoponet if you both can fill your bench. If they say yes, do so. If not then you may draw two cards. Good for Wiggly's.

Nighttime Garbage Collection- Take three Basic, Evlolution, or energy cards from your discard and show them to your opponet. Shuffle them into your deck.


Three new type's of energy will be introduced in Rocket.

-Rainbow(holo)- Counts as any color energy. When you attach this card to a Pokemon that Pokemon receive's ten damage.

-Full Heal Energy- Counts as a full heal and one colorless energy.

-Potion Energy-Remove one damage counter from the Pokemon you attach Potion Energy too. This also counts as one colorless energy.

Not bad. Rainbow would be great except for the ten damage thing. The other two are Ok.


One new type of card will be introduced. A super Rare Card. In the expansion Team Rocket a card called Here Come's Team Rocket. It's a Holograpic Trainer. You can tell that it's a "Ultra Rare" card by it's rarity symbol. A white Star. The Card let's you turn over both players prizes. Not a bad Combo with the Rattata from the setwho let's you take a prize and put iy on top of your deck(you have to take the previos top card and put it in your prizes.


Team Rocket isn't a terrible set but I beleive it's the worst too date. The next set to be realesed will be called Gym and Gym2: Challenge from the Darkness. Expect more on those sets in the future. Here's a list of the english expansions and there effectivness.

1.Basic Set



4.Team Rocket(Not yet realesed in English)


Looks like Team Rockets Blasting Off Again!


Email: citrusjr@aol.com