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A Story from Mike Livdahl

One day I Misty , Ash ,Brock came to Saffron city to battle the great Sabrina. Ash asked me" Why do they call Sabrina the great Sabrina ?" I did not answere. I never told them that she was my sister. Then I said " She and I both have Telikennises ." I new that did not help Ash and Brock. Brock said " Misty are you gonna ao in ?" I answered " fine I will " The door swung open a hall leading through to a man I new. It was Malfoy . I asked him " May I battle Sabrina?" He snapped back saying" You have no chance." I snaped back" Yes I do I have every pokemon. Lead me to her." Ash, Brock and Malfoy were so shocked. Malfoy said " You are still a shrimp. Very well then." Down the hall we went. Finally we're there. Malfoy went in and said " You have some people who want to fight." " Although why woud you want to waste you're time" He left. A voice said " So you want to play do you." " YES" I said. She came out " Misty its about time." Let the battle begin. " Go Alicazame!" I choose Gengar . Gengar pycic attac. He moved his hand around where ever he moved it Alicazame went in that direction. Sabrina cided " you won that round." She choose Abra I choose Syther " Slash move" Her Abra was fainted. I new she had her last pokemon Kadabra. "Go Mew" I said. " Mew mimic " Kadabra was fainted. She was fed up. Our father came in and gave me the Marsh Badge. We got out Ash asked me " Are you and her sisters ." " Yes " I said. We left and headed for Seafoam Islads for pokemon for Ash and Brock. Whos that pokemon its Syther
