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Hay300-The Gathering Place- Scyther

The Gathering Place Saturday 8-7-99 2nd Place Deck: Hay3000 By: Scyther

I have finally gone to a tournament. It was at a small Pokemon/Magic/Beanie store. My friends and I went on Saturday 8-7-99. There were eight people participating in the tournament. We all paid one dollar, the 1st and 2nd places got the money. I was playing my Hay300 deck. I am planning on taking out the Ponytas (they let you use sideboards so he will go in there depending on how much grass there is). The deck is at the bottom of the page if you haven't already seen it. The tournament was double elimination and the matches were two out off three. Well here we go!

Round One vs. Rain Dance

Game One- Electrobuzz helps me out a lot; I kill off all the Squirtles and Seels early. Quick, easy win.

Game Two- The same story, I kill off the Squirtles and Seels early, easy win.

Round Two vs. Electric (The kid cheats, looks at the top card of his deck on his turn, and a couple other things)

Game One- Hitmonchan kills all his Pokemon (I think every single one of his Pokemon were weak against fighting); it was pretty long because he kept drawing Pokemon.

Game Two- He cheats for the win, I would have won if it weren’t for that.

Game Three- Hitmonchan gives his Pokemon a beat down!

Round Three vs. Damage Swap, Stall, and Dragonite Beat Down (One of the best decks I have ever seen!)

Game One- We only play for a half hour! Then he beats me.

Game Two- Same thing, maybe just a little shorter. He wins.

Round Four vs. Electric (Same Person)

Game One- Hitmonchan saves me again! I win.

Game Two- I forget how he won but he did.

Game Three- Read: Round Four, game One

Round Five vs. Damage Swap, Stall, and Dragonite Beat Down(Smae Person) They ask me if I want to leave and just take second, I say no.

Game One- Play for about 30 minutes, I lose.

I threw the game and the guy was undefeated. I won 2nd place and three dollars. I think I did well for my first tournament! Maybe I can do better next time! Oh, and here' my deck!
