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Cranes (2)

Sandhill Crane *
A fairly common permanent resident which in recent years has become more abundant and urbanized. Migration from the north enhances local populations so that flocks of over one hundred can be observed. At one regional shopping mall near Lake Wales up to 140 roost in a retention pond by the parking lot. LWCBC high count of 264 in 1997; LCBC 118 in 2000. Florida subspecies (T)

Whooping Crane
This endangered species was introduced to Florida in 1993 to form a permanent non-migrating flock. By 2001, 229 birds had been released in Osceola and Polk County with 79 survivors. Most have been seen near Lake Kissimmee, but in 2000, 21 were released on a ranch near Lake Wales. One flew over my home in Winter Haven on January 4, 2001. More can be expected to spread into the rest of our County. If you see a local Whooping Crane and want to report it, telephone (352)955-2230. (experimental population)