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Ducks, Swans, Geese (35)

Fulvous Whistling-Duck
A rare visitor to the phosphate pits. Last seen in 1994, although they nest within 50 miles of the County.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck*
An uncommon resident that has since 1989, moved into the County from the southwest. Found mostly in abandoned phosphate pits where 109 were counted in late October of 1997. Usually found in flocks of a couple dozen. LCBC high count of 86 in 1998.

Masked Duck
A pair of individual were spotted near Lake Wales in late December 1983 and they remained for several days.

Ruddy Duck
A common winter resident, October - April, found on pits and lakes. They sometimes spend the summer here. Very large flocks were formerly found, fall maxima is 7,000 in November 1988. LCBC high count of 22,066 in 1973.

Tundra Swan
One record near Lakeland in December 1977.

Mute Swan *
Feral birds can be found on many of the lakes in Lakeland.

Black Swan
Feral birds can be found on a few of the lakes in Lakeland.

Snow Goose
A rare winter resident on lakes and pits, singly, or in small flocks of up to 16. First record by Nicholson near Dundee on Feb 21 1954. LCBC high count of 6 in 2001.

Canada Goose
Very rare, Some scattered reports, mostly feral, but a couple of wild birds reported in 1976. Can be found on some of the Lakeland lakes. LCBC high count of 3 in 2003.

Wood Duck *
A fairly common permanent resident found on lakes through out the area. Flocks of 30 to 50 are seen in winter. Spring maximia of 156 in Lake Alfred in March 1997. LCBC high count of 246 in 1998.

Eurasian Wigeon
Only a couple of recent records from the phosphate mines, the last in late March of 1999.

American Wigeon
A common winter resident, early October through late April, found mostly in phosphate pits. While flocks of five or six hundred can usually be found, the winter maxima is 2,050 in early December of 1996. There is one summer record. LCBC high count of 162 in 1993.

An uncommon winter visitor, early October through March, usually in numbers less than 30. Mostly found in phosphate pits. Winter maxima of 319 on December 12, 1999. LCBC high count of 170 in 1976.

Green-winged Teal
A fairly common winter resident, late September through early April, found mainly in phosphate pits. Flocks reached 3,000 in early December 1990. LCBC high count of 513 in 2001 and 250 in 1995.

A rare winter resident but numerous feral birds breed on local urban lakes and farms. LCBC high count of 442 in 2000.

Mottled Duck *
A locally common permanent resident found on lakes and pits. Usually seen in pairs but several hundred at a time are possible. Oddly absent from the PPM in late November and December. A fall maxima of 569 in a PPM late August 1998. LCBC high count of 209 in 1967.

American Black Duck
A rare winter resident, commonly hybridized with Mottled or Mallard Ducks. Identification is extremely difficult.

Northern Pintail
An uncommon winter visitor, late October to February, found mostly in phosphate pits. Winter maxima of 95 in late December 1999. LCBC high count of 10 in 1967.

Blue-winged Teal *
A common winter visitor, August - May, on lakes and pits. Sometimes thousands can be found. A few breed during the summer in phosphate pits. A fall maxima of 3,040 in September 1989. LCBC high count of 1460 in 2001 and 248 in 1996.

Cinnamon Teal
One old record from 1951, shot by a hunter. In the winter of 2001 a single bird was reported from a couple locations in tne PPM.

Northern Shoveler
A common winter visitor, September through June, mostly in shallow phosphate pits. A spring maxima of 6,050 in March 1989. LCBC high count of 232 in 1968.

A uncommon winter visitor, early November through early March, found on our lakes and pits. Recent flocks have been less than 50. A winter maxima of 90 in early February 1997. LCBC high count of 119 in 1977.

A rare winter visitor found on lakes and pits. Mostly found in numbers less than 5. Winter Maxima of 9 on 12/5/ of 1999. LCBC high count of 13 in 1992.

Ring-necked Duck
A common winter visitor, early October through April, found on lakes and pits. Winter maxima of 2030 in November of 1999. LWCBC of 10,065 in 1992, LCBC 7,050 in 1988.

Greater Scaup
One winter winter record in PPM( photo) in 2001, but probably more common because identification is such a problem.

Lesser Scaup
A fairly common winter visitor, early October - late April, in lakes and pits. Formerly an abundant species but today greatly reduced. A winter maxima of 166 in late January 1997. LCBC high count of 6,323 in 1988.

Common Eider One female reported in January 1988 in a phosphate pit.

A couple of records from the PPM, last seen in October 1988.

Surf Scoter
Two winter records, first from Lakeland in 1976 and second in 1991 from a PPM.

White-winged Scoter
One record from near Lakeland in November 1971 and a second from SCP/ Auburndale in December 1972. The last is from the PPM on 27 November through 26 December 1999.

Common Goldeneye
A few winter records from lakes and pits. Last reported in 1999. LCBC high count of 4 in 1978.

An uncommon winter visitor, November through March, found on lakes and pits. Rarely more than ten are found. LCBC high count of 12 in 1968.

Hooded Merganser
A fairly common winter visitor, early November - late March, found on pits and lakes. Flocks of several hundred are possible. A winter maxima of 720 in January 2001. LCBC high count of 450 in 1966.

Red-breasted Merganser
An unusual winter visitor, November through March, found in very small numbers on pits and lakes. The male is even less common. High count of 19 in January 1983. LCBC high count of 10 in 1983.

Muscovy Duck * A common feral bird of the lakes of urban Polk County and SCP. Up to thirty can be seen at SCP. LCBC max of 67 in 2000.