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Least Grebe
One record of 3 birds found in a phosphate pit, following a tropical storm in the Fall of 1998. The birds were never seen after the initial sighting.

Pied-billed Grebe *
A fairly common to abundant permanent resident which is spread thinly through the lakes in summer but winters in the phosphate mines in large numbers. High count of 420 in late December 1996. LCBC high count of 527 in 1993.

Horned Grebe
An uncommon winter visitor, November to March, found on the larger lakes. Formerly much more abundant. Recent counts number only a few dozen compared to hundreds a few years ago. Earliest date is the first of November, 1998 in a PPM. LCBC high count of 325 in 1981 and 300 in 1976.

Eared Grebe
A rare but local regular winter visitor, September to early May, found on some lakes and more commonly in the PPM. A high count of 24 in February 2001 which grew to 28 by April at a PPM. On 16 September, 2000, a bird in breeding plumage was found at PPM . In April of 2001, 6 birds had molted to breeding plumage. LCBC high count of 2 in 1992