Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns(11 )
Little Blue Heron *
A common permanent resident of water bodies. Generally fewer numbers are found of these birds than the other waders. Dozens can be found at a single location. Colonial nester. High count of 44 in early December 1996.LCBC high count of 222 in 1997. (SSC)
Reddish Egret
On July 27, 2003 an immature dark morph was found at the 4-corners mine for the only county record.
Snowy Egret *
A common permanent resident of the water bodies. At times hundreds of birds are present at a single location. Colonial nester. A high count of 505 in early July 1995. LCBC high count of 920 in 1997. (SSC)
Great Blue Heron *
A common permanent resident of the water bodies. Large numbers are found during fish kills. Hundreds of birds are present at those events. Colonial nester. A high count of 136 early December 1996. LCBC high count of 447 in 1986.
Great Egret *
A common permanent resident of the lakes and pits. At times over 300 birds can be found in a single location. Colonial nester. A high count of 490 early July 1998. LCBC high count of 3,456 in 1981.
Cattle Egret *
a fairly common permanent resident found mostly in fields, along highways and in landfills. At times many hundreds can be found at a single location. Colonial nester. A high count of 1,000 early May 1995. LCBC high count of 4,557 in 1986.
Green Heron *
Common permanent resident of the local water bodies. More common in winter when a dozen can be found at a single location. A high count of 15 late July 1995. LCBC high count of 63 in 1995.
Night-Heron *
A rare summer visitor from the coast that nests above small streams and in swamps of Polk County. There are many summer records at SCP.
Night-Heron *
An uncommon permanent resident usually found at day roosts. A couple dozen at a time can be seen. A high count of 30 late November 1998. LCBC high count of 165 in 1984.
Least Bittern *
A secretive permanent resident found in the cattails of the lakes and pits of the county. Summer counts of a dozen are possible. Mostly identified by call. High count of 14 early July 1995. LCBC high count of 12 in 1991.
American Bittern
An uncommon winter visitor of wetlands and PPM found from October to March. LCBC high count of 19 in 2002.