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New World Sparrows (18)

Song Sparrow
A rare winter visitor, November - March, in fields and old abandoned orange groves. Maximum count of 7 in early February 1991. LCBC high count of 4 in 1992.

Lincoln’s Sparrow
A rare winter visitor last seen in 1996 in Lake Alfred.

Swamp Sparrow
A fairly common winter visitor, November - April, found in wetlands throughout the region. They sing in April prior to migrating north. A dozen is possible in a day. Maximum count of 23 in early December 1991 LCBC high count of 230 in 1975.

White-crowned Sparrow
Rare before 1990, but now a fairly common winter visitor, from late October - early April, found mainly in old abandoned orange groves. Although a maximum of 53 were found in late January of 1994 far fewer are seen today. LWCBC high count of 38 in 1995; LCBC 16 in 1993.

White-throated Sparrow
A rare winter visitor found every few years. Last reported on the 1997 LCBC. A maximum of 3 were found in early December of 1989. LCBC high count of 4 in 1991.

Dark-eyed Junco
Only 3 winter records, last seen in Lakeland in 1990.

Savannah Sparrow
A common winter visitor, October - April, found in fields throughout the region. Up to a hundred can be seen in a single field. The maximum count is 110 in late January 1993 and also 1994. LCBC high count of 309 in 1989.

Henslow’s Sparrow
A rare winter visitor last seen in Lake Wales in 1990.

LeConte’s Sparrow
One record at Bok Tower Gardens, LWCBC in 1976.

Grasshopper Sparrow
An uncommon winter visitor, November - March, in fields and abandoned groves. A maximum of 12 were seen in late November. 1997. A few of the subspecies A. floridanus breed at the Avon Park Air Force Range in extreme southeastern Polk. (E) LWCBC high count of 16 in 1996; LCBC 8 in 1990.

Chipping Sparrow
A fairly common winter visitor, November- late March, found mostly in abandoned groves. Usually found in flocks. A maximum count of 140 in late November 1991. LCBC high count of 240 in 1996.

Clay-colored Sparrow
A rare winter visitor found in abandon groves. This sparrow has only appeared here in the last 8 years, but is found several times a season now. Winter maxima 9 near Dundee Jan. 2000. LWCBC 11 in 2001.

Field Sparrow
An uncommon winter visitor, November - April, found in fields and groves. Maximum count of 27 in late March 1992. LCBC high count of 23 in 1965.

Vesper Sparrow
An uncommon winter visitor, November - March, found in fields and groves. Maximum count of 20 in late January 1994 and also early March 1992. LCBC high count of 32 in 1967.

Lark Sparrow
A rare winter visitor found in fields and groves. Last seen in January 2000. Maximum count of 2 in early February 1997. LCBC/LWCBC of 1 in 2000

Bachman’s Sparrow *
An uncommon resident of pine woods and palmettos. A dozen individuals a day singing in summer may be expected. However ,during non breeding season these sparrows are almost impossible to find.

Green-tailed Towhee
One record from Lake Alfred in 1990.

Eastern Towhee *
A common resident of pine woods and thickets. Over 50 a day may be identified. LWCBC high count of 243 in 1997; LCBC 87 in 1979.