Purple Martin *
A common spring resident, late February - July, mostly over suburban areas of the region. In July, 1979 a flock of 25,000 was reported from a phosphate mine on SR 60.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow *
An uncommon summer resident, March - September, found mostly in PPM. Highest daily count of 342 in July 2001 and 215 in July 1999.
Bank Swallow
An uncommon migrant, May and Late July - October, thinly scattered throughout the region. A flock of 200 was reported from the PPM in October 1986, but 3 or 4 would be more likely elsewhere.
Barn Swallow
A common migrant, April-May and late July - September over the region. Hundreds in a day may be seen. The first confirmed breeding was reported in extreme southeastern Polk County in the summer of 2000.
Cliff Swallow
A rare migrant seen first in October 1987 in SCP. Last sighting was 8 birds at PPM on September 16, 2000. It is not impossible that these last birds were West Indian Cave Swallows but id was unclear.