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Tanagers, Grosbeaks, amd Buntings (8)

Summer Tanager *
An uncommon summer resident, April - September, of pine woods and rare fall migrant. Expect less than 6 per day during breeding season.

Scarlet Tanager *
A rare fall migrant in October at SCP, usually 2 to 4 sightings per season.

A rare visitor first found in 1993 in Eagle Lake. Most recently a bird has been coming to a feeder in Lakeland, January 2003.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak
An uncommon fall migrant in October at SCP and other forested areas. Early date 25 August 1990. Only a couple a day may be recorded.

Northern Cardinal *
A common resident spread throughout the region. Some fall days up to 40 can be counted at SCP. LCBC high count of 186 in 1973.

Blue Grosbeak *
A uncommon summer resident, April - September, seen mostly in the Green Swamp. Only a couple a day are seen.

Indigo Bunting *
A rare breeding bird and uncommon migrant found thinly scattered throughout the region. Most commonly seen during October in migration when up to a dozen may be found. The maximum count was 19 in early November 1997. LCBC high count of 43 in 1975.

Painted Bunting
An uncommon winter visitor, October - March, many times found at bird feeders. LCBC high count of 4 in 1996.