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Thrushes (7)

Eastern Bluebird *
An uncommon migrant and permanent resident of the Green Swamp and pinelands. Can be found on utility wires in open areas. In winter 25 may be seen in a day. LCBC high count of 59 in 1965.

An uncommon fall migrant, September and October at SCP and other woodlands. Just a few individuals on any day.

Gray-cheeked Thrush
A rare fall migrant at SCP which was last reported in 1996.

Swainson’s Thrush
An uncommon fall migrant in wooded areas of the region. Up to 8 in a day at SCP.

Hermit Thrush
An uncommon winter visitor, November - March, in woodlands of the region. Only a few seen in a day. LCBC high count of 16 in 1973.

Wood Thrush
A very rare fall migrant of SCP and other woodlands. Last seen in 1997.

American Robin
A common winter visitor, November - March, throughout the region. Flocks of a thousand may be seen. Robins love Brazilian Pepper berries. LCBC high count of 16,971 in 1998.