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Vireos (7)

Bell’s Vireo
One record from Lakeland in 1982.

White-eyed Vireo *
A common resident of woodlands throughout the region. LWCBC high count of 62 in 1996, LCBC 56 in 1974.

Blue-headed Vireo
A fairly common winter visitor, November - March, of woodlands throughout the region. Formerly called the Solitary Vireo. LCBC high count of 29 in 1990.

Yellow-throated Vireo *
An uncommon migrant and rare breeder. Prefers the edges of streams and rivers. Up to 5 in a day have been reported at SCP.

Philadelphia Vireo
A rare fall migrant in October at SCP. Nearly absent the past 5 years.

Red-eyed Vireo *
A fairly common summer resident, March - October, in wooded areas of the region. Far more are heard then seen during breeding season. Up to 30 in a day have been reported at SCP during the fall migration.

Warbling Vireo
Two records from SCP, October 1978 and 1983 and one from Winter Haven in March 1986.