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Florida Home School Law

By God's grace, people like Craig and Brenda Dickinson, Monte and Sandra Hancock, Jeannie Hochstettler, and Nina and Mark Fallon have helped us to secure and maintain our home school freedoms. Even so, it is wise to remember that despite continued growth in the home school community, we still represent a minority. We should not allow ourselves to be lulled into believing that we will always enjoy the same level of liberty regarding our right to home educate as we have for the past few years.

To that end, we encourage you to prayerfully consider supporting the efforts of Brenda Dickinson, President of The Home Education Foundation, and Florida's Home School Lobbyist in Tallahassee. She has been, and continues to be, our first line of defense against bills and legislation harmful to our freedom to home school. However, she cannot do the job without our support.

The links posted on this page will lead you to sites holding valuable information about Florida's home school laws or news concerning any action we may need to take to help safeguard the liberty to educate our own children.

Home Education Foundation

*~ The official web site sponsored by HEF ~*

State Legislative Alerts

Maintained by the Home School Legal Defense Association


Florida Statute 232.0201 - Home Education Programs

The written statute.

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