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Wednesday, February 2nd

This story was forwarded to me by an old friend. I am not sure who authored this essay, but it is interesting, factual, and enlightening. I hope it arms you with some great artilary when faced with the old "separation of Church and State" argument that is flying around the talk shows and news reports.

One detail that is not mentioned about government and religion is that in the District of Columbia there can never be a building of greater height than the Washington Monument. With all the uproar about removing the Ten Commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time.

On the aluminum cap, atop the Washington Monument in Washington DC, are displayed two words: Laus Deo. No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there and for that matter, probably couldn't care less. Once you know Laus Deo's history, you will want to share this with everyone you know. But these words have been there for many years; they are 555 feet, 5. 125 inches high perched atop the monument, facing skyward to the Father of our nation, overlooking the 69 square miles, which comprise the District of Columbia, capital of the United States of America.

Laus Deo! Two seemingly insignificant, un-noticed words. Out of sight and, one might think, out of mind, but very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world. So, what do those two words, in Latin, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they say "Praise be to God!"

Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. It took twenty five years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation, Laus Deo...."Praise be to God!"

From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles l'Enfant...a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north. The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west.

A cross you ask? Why a cross? What about separation of church and state? Yes a cross; separation of church and state was not, is not, in the Constitution. So, read on. How interesting and, no doubt, intended to carry a profound meaning for those who bother to notice.

Praise be to God! Within the monument itself are 898 steps and 50 landings. As one climbs the steps and pauses at the landings, the memorial stones share a message. On the 12th landing is a prayer offered by the City of Baltimore; on the 20th is a memorial pesented by some Chinese Christians; on the 24th a presentation made by Sunday School children from New York and Philadelphia quoting Proverbs 10:7, Luke 18:16 and Proverbs 22:6. Praise be to God!
When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on July 4th, 1848 deposited within it were many items including the Holy Bible presented by the Bible Society. Praise be to God! Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual mood given by the founder and first President of our unique democracy...."One Nation, Under God."

I am awed by Washington's prayer for America. Have you never read it? Well, now is your unique opportunity, so read on!

"Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United states at large. And finally, that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Laus Deo!

As you probably guessed, over 92 percent of Americans like the idea that our Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase "under God." It is clear when one studies the history of our great nation, that Washington's America was one of the few countries in all the world established under the guidance, direction and banner of Almighty God, to whom was given all praise honor and worship by the great men who formed and fashioned her pivotal foundations.

When one stops to observe the inscriptions found in public places all over our nation's capitol, he or she will easily find the signature of God, as it is unmistakably inscribed everywhere you look.

Though many try to disprove and reason, their arguments are weak and easily proven without basis. Their efforts will forever be in vain; God assures us of that. Have you noticed as of late, how many more people are coming together, affirming the fact that this nation was, from the beginning, built on God? Any nation that is not built upon God will fail. Do you wonder why, when other nations fall into an abyss, does the United States continually prosper?

Now you know, but do not let the arrogance of some instill doubt within you. The truth is... We have always been one nation under God! Laus Deo!

Praise be to God!

You may forget the width and height of "Laus Deo", it's location, or the architects but no one who reads this will be able to forget meaning, or these words: "Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

What a sentiment! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did. Please refer as many as you can to read this devotional so that they too might have a new underslanding in Washington.


For our president and world leaders
For all our troops and world wide military
Kyle B in Korea
for Jennifer (unspoken)
Ashley's Epilepsy
Lowery for continued health improvement!
For the staff and administrators at Church of the Messiah Pre-school
Z88.3 fm Orlando, Florida as a joyous sound and testimony
The church leaders and volunteers across the nation
for Charles
Scott F. for descision and career
Unity of spirt for our Church
Special thanks and blessings to the readers and supporters of this devotional


Monday, January 25th

This week, I'd like to share a little something with you all. Something very personal to me. My wife and I have been married for 10 years last November and have always wanted children. For medical reasons, we could never conceive and we had pretty much given up. Medicine, lifestyle changes, and pretty much anything else just didn't work and we were getting discouraged. Adoption just never felt right, although we admired people who found it in their hearts to make a stranger a part of their family. But we wanted our own.

Fast forward a few years and my wife and I had been volunteering with Childrens' ministries in our church doing whatever we could to help out with lessons, fundraisers, and tutoring. We had learned this was a passion to us and it helped to fill a certain void. We still couldn't help think about what it would be like to have our own and we prayed and sought out more medical advice. We then found out that not one condition, but TWO would prevent us from ever having our own children. We were devastated!

We continued to pray, not that we would get our way, but simply that God's will would be done and we would have the strength to deal with His decision. Then a miracle happened! A little girl, Emily, came into our lives. Her natural mother and father had five children and decided to give them all up for adoption at some point in their lives. Two children were given up at birth, while the three remaining kids were given up at eight, six, and three. Emily was the three-year-old.She was first taken in by her grandfather who had recently married my wife's mother. We fell in love with her from the first moment we met her, and if you saw her, you'd know what I was saying. She's just a light!

We were basically like aunt and uncle to her. We'd take her out and go to church with her and all sorts of stuff you do with kids. Months went by, and God did what I thought was impossible: He softened our hearts to the fear and anxiety about adoption, and for the first time in our marriage, we were seriously considering adopting this angel without wings. We approached her grandfather, who now had legal custody, about the possibility of adopting her and he was totally supportive. He and his wife (my wife's mother) gave their blessing and we started the process that would take seven months, a short time considering how long some adoptions can take.

Emily is now our daughter and it feels so natural. Don't even suggest she's not my flesh-and-blood daughter...It could feel no different if she was. The whole process did get me thinking of what adoption is to us as Christians. It is not only a good idea, but it is done repeatedly in the Bible. Here are a couple of the most famous situations you probably already know, but haven't thought of as an adoption.

Moses grew to be one of God's greatest tools! He set his people free from the slavery of the Egyptians. He was there at the parting of the sea and walked accross the ocean floor to freedom on the other side. He was God's hands, feet, and mouthpiece when he delivered the Ten Commandments to the Hebrews who were falling into sin and idol worship. He was a great Bible leader and he was...adopted! Remember, he was born to a Hebrew woman who knew he would be in slavery or even killed should he stay with her. She sent him away in a basket and he was found by an Egyptian princess married to Phaoroh. They accepted Moses as their son and raised him with their own. If they hadn't, the exodus of the slaves would never have been possible. He made history!

Perhaps even more overlooked was the story of Jesus and His role in adoption. Mary and Joseph were certainly His parents, but He was not conceived by them. Jesus was placed in Mary's womb by God's own hand. Mary and Joseph could have refused to accept the child and cast Him out. Instead they opened their hearts and accepted Jesus as no less their son as His other brothers and sisters. They loved Him with all their hearts and raised Him according to God's law. They imparted in Him all the traditions of their family and learned with Him, wept when He was sad, and laughed when He was funny. He is our savior, but He was first their Son. Their obedience made our salvation possible and their faith in God sustained them.

My hope is that you might consider adoption in a way you never have. It is such a blessing to the adoptive family, but the true blessing could come years down the road. You just never know the work that your adopted child will accomplish in the Kingdom of God, and you could be an instrument in that while loving a child that desparately needs you. Pray about it...Consider it...Share it with others! The blessings to your life as a result could be immeasurable! May God bless your hearts in this!

Please forward this page to as many folks as you can. Share with them the importance of adoption in God's Kingdom

Monday, May 5th

This is a grat follow up to our "Come, Follow Me" series as it picks up just after the resurrection of Jesus. It involves two sullen travelers returning from Jerusalem after the death of Jesus. They had hoped to see a miracle and were disappointed when Jesus seemingly lost to the Romans. All they had heared and believed was lost and they had decided to return home. But they would never be the same!

While the two were on their way home to Emmaus, Jesus walked up to them. It tells us in the bible that the two were kept from recognizing Him, but Jesus started a conversation asking them why they were so downcast. The men responded asking Jesus what rock He was under that He didn't know of the One who was sent from Heaven to save man and performed all those wonderful miracles and who healed the sick and raised the dead!

Jesus responded with scriptures and told them that all those things HAD to happen in order to fulfil prophesy. The Savior HAD to be tried and convicted. He HAD to be beaten, but not broken, and HAD to be crucified.

They finally reached their destination and Jesus acted like He would have gone further, but the men invited Him in to stay for dinner since it was so late. Jesus accepted their offer and sat down with them. He broke the bread and blessed it and at that very moment the men realized that they had walked with Jesus and He disappeared! The two were amazed as they recalled all Jesus said and exclaimed, "Were we not strangely warmed by His words as He spoke and revealed all the words of the prophets?" . They were so amazed that they immediately returned to Jerusalem to inform the disciple of Jesus' return! They were met with joy and celebration as Jesus had appeared to many in the hours following His resurrection even to over 1,000 at one time!

Jesus resurrection is a very real and wonderous event! It fulfilled prophesy, but moreso testified to the power and promise of the living God! We will never face death in eternity as long as we believe that Jesus was the Son of God and that He died for our sins and rose from the grave. In the words of John Wesley, "...everything else is a matter of opinion.".

Join us next week for more!

Monday, May 19th

This week, I'd like to talk a little about inspiration. As an artist, inspiration is a much needed but often unattainable thing that I depend on. This inspiration has been called many things throughout history sometimes even made into human form in the guise of a muse. Songwriters and poets often kept a muse in their midst to help them through dry spells. This muse was credited as the catalyst behind the artist.

I have also seen such inspiration in my surroundings including my wife of almost 9 years. I think she has been more of an inspiration than anything both in my art and my personal life. Sometimes I though I'd not be able to tie my shoes if she hadn't been there to push me on when times were rough. I also had another inspiration that has followed me throughout my career: GOD!

God has inspired me in more ways than I could count and I rely so strongly on His inspiration. Inspiration, as I would define it, is the very breath of God blown into a willing vessel. Never has this been more evident than in my last project where I sculpted a life-sized interpretation of Christ. I didn't know where to begin, but I knew it must be done. I felt that God had moved me through my career for this very purpose and I doubt I will ever feel that kind of blessing again.

In a practical sence, God has inspired us all in one way or another to bring us to His purpose for our lives. Recently, my pastor has started a series based on the book of 1st Peter in the New Testament. In it, Peter speaks of a "waking up" (1st Peter 1:3) of those in Christ. Once we are awakened, I think we rely on that inspiration or direction to find our way according to God's will. In this inspiration, the Holy Spirit guides us in our walk and helps us gain ground in the marathon of spirituality which is a constant struggle for us as "foreigners" in this world.

In our search for inspiration, we should never miss the obviousness of God's presence in our lives. Always remember to seek out meditation time so you can clearly hear the Holy Spirit's quiet murmers. It is easy to cloud it with the ambient noise of life, so pray constantly for peace of spirit so you may discern the will of God. Without His direction or inspiration, we can't help but fail in our task...All we have to do is receive it!

Next week, we'll take a look at spirituality in major motion pictures of this summer. There is a thread of themes based on faith and redemption and it should be fun to look into some of these action flicks...See you then!

Monday, May 2nd

The summer blockbusters are in full swing with giants like X-2: X-men United, Matrix Reloaded, and Bruce Almighty raking in upwards of $24 million so far. And they show little sign of stopping their onslaught! One element they all seem to share is their religious ties. Whether it's the faith of X-2's Nightcrawler or the element of choice and consequences in Matrix: Reloaded, the blockbusters of present all seem to impress upon the audience's heart and conscience.

Many of you may have gathered that I'm a big fan of movies and just about anything attached to them. That's why I wanted to do this comparison in themes and explore some of the highlights and contrast them against thoughts of faith. I think it appropriate to kick off this summer series with none other than Universal's BRUCE ALMIGHTY!

This blockbuster was penned by Kung Pow's Steve Oedekerk. You can tell he didn't just fall into this screenplay. He did his homework and wanted to answer some of the feelings mankind has faced for a very long time. Questions like, "Why does God do what He does?" and "Why do good people fail while the evil succeed?". Well, if you look past the apparent blasphemy of a typical movie like this, you'll find a deep theological conscience.

This movie follows Jim Carrey's character Bruce Nolan (but it could have been just about anyone) through several negative experiences in a very short span of time. He is a journalist for a local Buffalo news station and is in the middle of an interview he doesn't want to do, talking with people he doesn't want to talk to. He feels demeaned and beaten by the machine and has lost his direction and purpose. You can just feel this as he tries to pull this story together with little help from those around him. After several setbacks, we find ol' Bruce a physical wreck at the end of his rope just searching, perhaps out of desperation, for answers from God.

At one point Bruce, feeling dejected and ignored, curses God even comparing Him to a mean little kid with a magnifying glass sitting by an ant hill burning off his feelers. This gets God's attention and God (compassionately played to a "T" by Morgan Freeman) answers by setting an appointment with destiny between He and Bruce! In his portrayal, we find God to be a compassionate and affable character who mops floors, changes light bulbs, and still finds time to watch over the Universe. He has so much to do, and yet still handles everthing as though it is His only task!

The movie itself offers a slew of biblical subtleties beyond the obligatory walking-on-water schtick. In a party scene at the Vanderbilt Mansion, Bruce walks through the crowd with a pitcher of water and and a glass. As he pours the water, it turns to wine! In another scene, He leans against a statue of a golden calf. Even his girlfriend (played by Jennifer Aniston) reflects this tone...Her name, of course, is Grace!

Theologically, this movie tackles one of the simplest and most misunderstood elements of our relationship with God. Near the close of the movie, God asks Bruce to pray. Bruce prays for God to feed the hungry and bring world peace. God responds saying, "That's great...if you want to be Miss Universe!" but asks Bruce to try once again for what he really cares about. Bruce goes down to the pit of his soul and this time prays the ultimate prayer that he would see someone else through God's eyes. If only we could see past the religion of prayer and talk to God like the friend He is; One who wants to hear our every thought as we would talk one friend to another.

Perhaps the most important question is asked after Bruce creates a major fumble jeopardizing his relationship with his girlfriend. He asks God, "How do you make someone love you without effecting free will?". God's reply? "If you find out the answer to that one, let me know..." God longs for us to love Him, but it is ultimately our decision. His I-love-you's have been painted in sunsets since the dawn of time, His roses given to us at Calvary, and His gifts of grace opened at the resurrection. We simply must learn to accept His love for what it is...Perfect and unconditional. He loves us dispite ourselves getting in the way and what a friend He is for that!

My recommendation? Go see this movie for yourself and don't forget to tell God how much you love Him in between prayers for the ellusive McFarlane Alien Queen Deluxe Playset!

Next week we'll take a look at the religious undertones in X-2:X-Men United! Check back then and in the meantime, HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Monday, June 9th

When one thinks of comic books, one doesn't immediately think religion or faith, but this summer's X-2: X Men United combines fantasy with faith in the form of one of its central characters, Nightcrawler.

Nightcrawler, aka: Kurt Wagner, starts off as an apparently malevolent character who attempts to assassinate the president. What happens next begins to unravel the mystery of who this character is. When the X Men hone in on his mutant signature, they find him in, of all places, a church! He is a character that can teleport at will so finding him wouldn't be very easy were these not the X Men. Storm and Jean Gray finally get their hands on him and he doesn't put up a fight! It turns out something made him do what he did. He had no idea where he was until the pain of a defensive attack by the Secret Service woke him from his hypnosis. We soon find out that Kurt is a very religious character in more ways than one.

The first hint at this is when the X Men first find him. He is injured and as they treat his wound, many glyphs can be seen in his skin. Storm asks him what they all are and he tells her that they are angelic symbols. He tells her that he has given himself each one for each of his sins. She then asks him how many he has. His response? "Alot..." This character chose to remind himself of each transgression in a physical way. one he could see when he sees his own reflection. We, however, only "see" the sins we commit on the back of Jesus Christ. I think if we imagined ourselves with our sins etched into our bodies, we probably would think twice about sinning when we do. Instead, we often carry our "marks" inside building up a toughened heart. God doesn't want that for us...He wants us to accept our forgiveness and move on. He only asks that we try not to sin. This is difficult because of our nature, but as long as we're conscious of it, we're less likely to sin as often.

Through the movie, we get glimpses into his heart as Nightcrawler explains why his faith is so important. He can often be seen with his rosary praying silently. he seems kind and caring with the plight of others and even tries to counsel Storm on the topic of faith when she has seemingly lost hers.

Another interesting element is uncovered during a scene where the X Men are trying to get inside Cerebro, a giant telepathic enhancer. The security system is activated and the only way in is by using Nightcrawler's teleportation skills. He knows this but has his reservations: You see, he has to be in a direct line of sight with where he wants to phase. The inside of Cerebro is through 4 feet of metal! Storm, recalling what Nightcrawler told her says, "You can do it...I have faith in you!" and holds on to him as they phase inside Cerebro. They are then able to accomplish their goal and win yet another one for the good guys! This thought process is a healthy one even in reality. The bible tells us that we should look out for one another. Storm was supported during a wek time in her life by Nightcrawler. She returns the favor when Nightcrawler fails in his strength. Together, they are able to lift each other up just as we should. That is one of the purposes of this devotional. Something here may be a strength to someone at a time of weakness and could be shared with others in their own dilemma. The trick is to hone your support skills with those you care about. Empathy is the ability to sense others pain. If we can learn to do that, we could learn to do something about that pain too, right?

Overall, this was a great summer flick! Tons of action, great special effects, and superb acting coupled with a sense of spirituality made this another cool splice of secular entertainment and spiritual message! I give it at least 4 out of 5 stars!!!

Next week, we step into the Matrix Reloaded. What door will you choose? See ya next week!!

Monday, June 23rd

This week, we're looking at The Matrix: Reloaded. I know as far as Sci Fi adventures go (especially in a religious forum)this one was considerably more racey than its previous episode. The sequel features a little more skin than the last movie in what can only be discribed as a drawn out rave, but there were definite religious overtones that could not be ignored.

The strongest element was that of choice in this installment. At least a half a dozen times, we hear Neo make references to his choices, why he makes them (or made them), and what the implications of those choices are. For example, in one scene with the Oracle, he realizes that the choices he has to make have already been chosen. He has to instead realize why he made these choices.

We can be keenly aware as Christians that the choices we think we are making for the first time are known by God already. Time is not the same for God. In fact, in His time, we are already with Him (or not with Him) in heaven again. It is called chirhos (ky-ros) in Greek, not the chronos, or chronological time, we are familiar with here on earth. In fact, I think that is the thought to assume: that though we have not yet commited the sin, Jesus has already taken the stripes for that sin. A popular Christian theologist by the name of Charles Stanley I believe once said that each time we sin, we are adding another stripe to Christ's back and crucifying Him all over again.

The point is not that since Jesus has already taken the punishment for our sins, why not just do it anyway. The point is that we may have some control over our actions thus taking as much of that burden off of Christ as we can! Neo went through a similar thought process when he had to ponder the fact that he has already made decsisions that would either bring about the destruction of the resistance or its ultimate win against the machines. Would his current actions from there on out make any difference at all?!?

Neo faced what we face in reality: We can make a difference even though we don't know what we are going to do. We can conscientiously choose to do what is pleasing to God. This is what determines the outcome in God's chirhos.

Another interesting element in this movie comes when Neo faces the Architect. In a room with images of Neo's life all around (both what he has done and will do)he is told that he is in a world of choices. He has made choices that have brought him to that single particular place in his journey and more choices will follow. He tells Neo that he will have to choose from two doors. One will lead to Trinity, the other will lead to the victory for the resistance and then it will start all over again as it has six times before. Neo is appalled by this and you can see this in the screens around him even though he remains stoic.

The bottom line is that Neo makes the only descision he can and risks repercussions either way. We will no doubt see what those repercussions are in the next installment, The Matrix: Revolutions, but we can also see the reactions to our actions in our own lives. God sometimes gives us choices that are niether good nor bad, but how we deal with those choices reveal alot about our character. Similar to Admiral Kirk in Star Trek: The Wrath Of Kahn, the Kobayashi Maru simulation isn't about winning or losing, It's about how we deal with life and death situations. He chose to change the rules which speaks volumes about his personality!

Ultimately, it is up to us to listen carefully to the Holy Spirit and discern what we feel God wants from us. Our choices do make an impact on our own lives and the lives of those around us. God forgives us, but we must be ready to accept our licks when we make bad choices. The Matrix was an interesting look into this idea. Next week, I'll be looking at one of two other summer movies theological ties, but I just haven't decided which one yet, so we'll be surprised together! See you next week!!!




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