Want to Join the Beatles Fanfic Ring?

This Beatles Fanfic Webring
site is owned by Alicia Comrie

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Find Out How You Can Join The Ring!

The purpose of the Beatles Fanfic Webring is to link together many of the web sites created by Beatles loving folks with a penchant for fanfic. To add your site to the ring, follow the steps below.

Step One Submit your site to the Beatles Fanfic Webring. After you fill out the form, you will receive a confirmation message containing your site ID.

Step Two Copy the HTML code from the text box below and paste it into your page. Replace all the blank lines with either your name, email address, or site ID as appropriate.

Step Three Once the code is on your page, send email to NYC Girlie at Shugs@mailcity.com. Once she approves your site, you'll be added! She is the one who maintains The Beatles Fanfic Webring and is solely responsible for who gets in or not. Example An example of the finished code is shown below. Add you site id and e-mail address in the appropiate blanks.