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Name: Taija

Birthdate: May 14 (send me presents)

Location: Orlando, Florida

Marital Status: Nope

Hobbies: Dancing, Clubs, Photography, Art, History


Bands: Rozz/Christian Death, Velvet Acid Christ, Decoded Feedback, Penal Colony, Covenant, FLA, VNV Nation, Ministry, Mentallo, Informatik, ISC, Das Ich, Biopsy, Android Lust, Skinny Puppy, Project Pitchfork, Tori Amos, Tool, Front 242, Funker Vogt, Coil, :Wumpscut:, Apoptygma Bezerk, ect.

Likes: Angels, Felines, Piercings, Tatoos, Gas Masks, Rubber, Vinyl, Leopard Print, Cat Woman, spikes, the colors purple, blue and silver, industrial/elektro music, dancing, photography, art, drinkin, pretty faces, intellegant minds, history, the Third Reich, crosses, old buildings, asians, the 80's, punk boys, mohawks, rain, snow, mesh, jingly belts, big heels, fashion, corsets

Dislikes: Liars, polkadots, needles, clowns, meat, real fur, most people, the colors: orange and yellow. anything on the Projeckt label, Goths (fruitbats), people who think they are vampires, spell it), stereotypes, flakes, ditzes, hot weather, cold weather

Sayings to live by: Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse.

Industrial as FUCK! (please note the heavy sarcasm...)