email me if you visited the # page and your name is not located there.thank you
choose your destiny:
updates:yes I am an idiot.I lost ALL THE FREAKIN' ENTRYS...PLEASE SEND THEM AGAIN.
Off has nothing to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.It is not an offical
club and the owner,does not know any one like,Joss Whedon or people from
the WB.All graphics made by Ripe Wicked Plum,Beppi,or Rebecca.Huge thanks
goes out to all of them
All Stake Off
members believe in the pairings of the Slayer and Spike.If you don'
we don't like
either Drusilla or Angel..not David or Juliet..and
we strongly suggest you also,believe in Buffy and Spike.