Welcome To Starla's Lot's O'Links Page
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Last Updated Aug 1, 00

NOTICE....I am starting to make my pages look a little different. This is how I have decided to set up my pages to make them easier to navigate....if you go to page 2 it will still be set up like the old way. But that will be changing soon. This is all in effort to make navigating my page and finding what you want a little easier. Thanks for stopping by...there will be alot more new websites added soon!

I'm getting paid to surf are you? Click on the dollar bill to start getting paid to surf!!

I made this webpage because I love websites that help people. When I got webtv I knew nothing about it. HTML???? I had NO idea what that was for,and by the looks of it I didn't want to know! But eventually I got into it and started "surfing" the web looking for gifs and new things I could learn. (Yup they had created a monster) I now have a computer and still work on this page for Webtvers to use. I am also working on a page for just computer users.
There are alot of links here to help you out. Hopefully you find what your looking for. Thanks and enjoy!

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HTML Help Sites

GIFS and Graphics




Freebies,Contests & More

E-Greeting Cards

F-Key Sites

~Click on the arrow to go on to page 2 of Links~

~My Awards~

Please let me know if there are any dead links so I can fix or remove them...thanks : )

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get this gear!

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