Beep. Beep. Beep.

I heard the noise over and over again, in a slow, steady rhythm.

Everything was still black. I knew that all I had to do was open my eyes, but it was so hard. I was a prisoner in my own body.

And at the moment, that wasn't a happy place to be. Every inch of my body was filled with amazing pain, and I didn't know why.

"Danielle?" a voice came softly next to me.

It was Chris.

I felt him take my hand, and kiss my cheek

"Dani, please. You have to wake up."

I am awake! I cried inwardly. But the words wouldn't form on my lips.

"You have to," he continued. "I can't do this without you. God, don't take her away from me. I love her to much. Danielle, do you hear me? I love you!"

"I love you, too."

Finally, I could speak. It wasn't loud and clear like my normal tone, more like struggled and hoarse, but, at least I could speak.

And see. Slowly, eyes fluttered open.

"Danielle! Oh, thank God!"

Chris's face was the first thing I saw. He was crying, but with a relieved smile on his face.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"JC's murderer came after you." Chris replied softly. "How do you feel?"

Weak, And like I'd never felt before. It was beginning to get dark again. I was so scared, and yet, instead of my heart racing, it was slowing. Every beat seemed to come farther apart.

"C-C-C." was all I could get out.

"Danielle!" he shrieked. "Someone help me! Hurry! Danielle, open your eyes!"

But, they are opened. They are. . .

Everything around me was pitch black, and Chris's screaming voice slowly blurred into dead silence.

I was standing in the middle of nothingness-when suddenly a big flash of light awakened me into a world of white. And before me stood a large, smokey staircase, leading into the clouds.

I had the urge to climb them, and followed my instincts, venturing to the top.

When I got there, a golden gate greeted me.

They slowly opened, and Josh came from them, and met me with a kiss. "Welcome to eternity."

I look up at him, still confused at everything that was happening. "Is this the end?"

"No," he shook his head. "This is only the beginning."

The End

