"Baby, can you get that?" Danielle called to AJ as she sat on her bed, stroking Brittny's hair. Brittny was lying face down on the bed, crying into a pillow. She had been for the past forty-five minutes.

AJ walked to the door, and pulled it open. It was Brian.

"Have you seen Brittny?" he asked.

"Yeah," AJ replied. "She's here."

"Can I talk to her?"

He nodded. "Come on in."

Brian walked inside.

"Dani," AJ said. "Let's leave them alone."

Danielle looked up, and seeing Brian there, crawled off the bed.

She and AJ quietly left the room.

Brittny stayed in the same position.

"Brittny?" Brian asked.

She laid completely still.

"All right, if you won't talk to me, I'll do the talking. What I said before was completely out of line. It's not a mistake. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. And being in love, making love to you, have never been a mistake. I love you so much, and having a child with you won't be a mistake. But, I don't want our child to be raised in two separate homes. I want him or her to have a real family. I guess what I'm trying to say is. . I want you to marry me."

Brittny still didn't say anything.

Brian stood, starring at her back for what seemed to him like an eternity, before silently turning and walking toward the door, tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry, God, I'm so sorry." he said softly. "I love you."

Brian pulled open the door.

"Brian, wait." Brittny said, rolling over.

Brian turned around. "What?"


"Yes what?"

"I'll marry you."

Part Eighteen
Part Twenty
