Early the next morning everyone had nervously gathered in Danielle and AJ's room.

When there was a rap at the door, Danielle jumped up and pulled it open. "Where the hell have you two been?!" she yelled.

Brittny and Brian walked past her, hand-in-hand, saying nothing, and grinning from ear-to-ear.

Everyone was starring at them angrily.

"Look, I know your all mad at us, but, we have come good news." Brian said.

Brittny held out her ring clad finger. "I'd like to introduce you all to my wife, Brittny Littrell."

Katie's eyes widened. "You got MARRIED?"

Brittny nodded, grinning. "YES!"

"Oh my God!" Danielle and Katie cried at the same time, practically tackling her with hugs.

"Congratulations, man." Kevin said, shaking his hand.

"WAIT!" Brittny cried once Katie and Danielle had let her go. "We have one more announcement."

"What?" Howie asked.

Brittny took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?" Katie cried.

"I'm pregnant."

"How are we supposed to tour when your pregnant?"

Brittny shrugged. "We'll work something out, ok? Don't worry about it. I still have a couple months before this kid starts wearing me down."

"I'd hate to be there when you tell Cheryl." Katie said.

"Ya know what, Cheryl's just gonna have to deal with it. This is my life, not hers."

"Well," Nick stood up from the bed. "We're supposed to meet at MTV in a half an hour to do some prep work, so, we better get going."

Sighing, everyone left the room.

"Carson!" Danielle cried, running over and giving him a hug.

"Hey, Dani, what'd going on? I haven't seen you in a couple months."

"Nothing. I thought you weren't gonna be here today. We're hosting."

"Well, I wasn't supposed to be, but, I dropped by to say hey to you guys."

Danielle smiled. "How sweet!"

"How much longer are you guys gonna be staying in the city?" he asked.

"Till Sunday. Hey, are you busy tonight? We should get together and chill like old times."

Carson nodded. "Yeah, sounds great-"

"Danielle!" AJ called from across the room, cutting Carson off.

Danielle rolled her eyes. "I'll be right back to talk about plans, ok?"

He nodded, and she jogged over to AJ.


"Baby, what was that all about?" AJ asked, motioning to Carson who was now talking to Kevin, and uninterested look on his face as he glanced over at AJ and Danielle every couple seconds.

"What?" Danielle followed his gaze. "You mean Carson?"

"Yeah. The second you saw him you ran over and gave him a huge hug!"

Danielle's eyes widened. "Are you jealous?" she laughed.

AJ avoided eye contact with her. "I've just never liked him very much."

Danielle wrapped her arms around his waist, and tilted her head up to AJ's.

"Carson is just a friend. I met him like seven years ago on vacation in California, cuz our parents are friends. I love him, but as a friend. I love you. And didn't we just have a discussion about trust recently."

AJ nodded. "Yeah, I guess we did."

"So, don't worry about it, ok?"

AJ smiled, and bent down, his lips meeting Danielle's.

Danielle pulled away and grabbed AJ's hand, pulling him over to Carson.

"What're we doing?"

"We're making plans to chill tonight, and your coming with us."

AJ groaned. "Great. Just great."

Part Twenty
Part Twenty Two
