"I love doing TRL so much!" Danielle cried as she, AJ, and Carson sat in Carson's apartment, drinking and chatting.

"I love having you on it. You should do the show more often." Carson said.

AJ rolled his eyes. Carson had been trying to flirt with Danielle all afternoon. It was pretty sickening. Good thing AJ was such a trusting boyfriend.

"I would if I could." Danielle replied. "BUT, I have absolutely no free time."

"Yeah, I know how it is."

AJ took another gulp of his drink. Aside from groaning at this conversation he'd been thinking about conversation about sex they'd had the other day. Now that he knew she was ready, he didn't see why they shouldn't. I mean, they both loved eachother very much, and AJ knew that even though it was a ways away, marriage was definitely an option. He couldn't see spending the rest of his life without her. Maybe they really were both ready. He didn't know, but. . . he did have to think.


"Yeah?" Danielle asked.

"I'm gonna go back to the hotel, ok?"

Danielle looked up as AJ stood up. "Do you want me to go with you?"

He shook his head. "No, it's ok. Stay and have a good time. I'll see you later, ok?"


Giving her a kiss, AJ left.

"Yes, Mom, I understand you wanted to be at the wedding, but, I can't do anything about that anymore. . I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. . all right. . .I'll talk to you later. Yes, mother. Good-bye." Brittny hung up the phone, and collapsed on the bed.

Brian laughed. "I take it your Mom was watching TRL today?"

Brittny nodded. "She gave me the third degree. My God, wait until I tell her I'm pregnant. She'll flip."

Brian sat down next to her, and ran his hand up and down her stomach. "I can't wait till this baby come, so I can let him or her know how loved he is."

Brittny smiled. "On that note, I was thinking. Where are we going to live? I mean, the baby is going to need a home."

Brian nodded. "I don't want to live somewhere where we are going to be bothered all the time."

"Why don't we buy a house in the country or something? Ok? Some place out of the way?"

Brian got a hopeful look on his face. "In Kentucky?"

Brittny laughed. "Sure, why not?"

Brian kissed Brittny's belly. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

Danielle slid the card in the slot, and pushed open her hotel room. She nonchalantly flipped on the light, and gasped.

AJ was sitting at the small table, in a nice shirt and khaki's and had a candle lit dinner set up.

"Oh my God." she breathed.

AJ stood up, picked up a white rose from the table, and starring straight into her eyes, walked over, and handed her the rose, softly kissing her lips.

As they kissed, he reached over and shut the lights off, letting the soft glow of the candles illuminate the room.

He took her hand, and left her over to the table, pulled the chair out, and let her sit down.

As Danielle looked around he turned on the Luther Vandross CD that was in his lap top.

"You laid white roses all over the bed." Danielle said softly, as if in shock.

"Yeah," AJ popped the quark of the champagne. "I skipped the traditional red roses."


"Red roses mean love, and that wasn't what I was aiming for."

Danielle's brow wrinkled. "You weren't? What were you aiming for?"

"True love. Pure love. White roses symbolize true love, eternal love. And white symbolizes purity. I want you to know that whatever happened between us, tonight-or ever, my love for you is pure and true."

Danielle's lower lip trembled. "Oh, AJ. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."

"Alex." AJ corrected. "Can you call me Alex?"

"I thought you didn't like anyone calling you that." Danielle said.

"I didn't. But, your different. I love you, and I want to hear my real name come from your beautiful lips."

"All right. . . Alex."

"I love that."

Danielle stood up. "I love you, Alexander James McLean." she whispered, walking over to him, and pressing her lips against his.

AJ ran his hands up and down her back, as a new song started. "Dance with me."

Danielle nodded, resting her head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and they swayed slowly to the music.

Danielle let her eyes fall closed, breathing in the smell of Nautica on AJ's neck. She felt his lips on her neck, kissing, and sucking gently.

"Mmm." she murmured.

She ran her hands up and down his muscular chest, she moved them up and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Alex?" she murmured.


"Do you remember out conversation the other day?"

He nodded, still kissing her neck.

"You said you wanted everything perfect when we made love for the first time. If this perfect enough for you?" she ran her fingers up and down his arms.

"I realized something today."


"As long as your with me, the world is perfect."

Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Four
