"Brian!" Brittny called, opening the front door to their apartment.

"I'm in the bedroom!" he called back.

Brittny put her purse on a chair in the kitchen and went into their room.

"Hey sweetie." she said. "What are you doing?"

Brian had a suitcase open and was packing some of his clothes. "Packing."

"Well, I can see that, smart ass. Where are you going?"

"*We* are going to Kentucky." he replied.


"To check out the progress on our house."

"Oh," Brittny smiled. "Ok."

Brian nodded. "I made arrangements and we leave tonight at eight."

"Ok." Brittny agreed, walking over to the closet. "How long are we staying?"

"Just two days. Long enough to check out the house and visit my family."

Brittny pulled two shirts, a dress, and two pairs of jeans out of the closet. "Sweetie?" she asked. "Can you pull my duffle bag out from under the bed?"


Brittny replace the now empty hangers, and walked over to the bed, where Brian was pulling the duffle bag from under their bed.

When he turned around on his knees, he was just about at eye level with Brittny's stomach.

Smiling, he placed his hands on her. "That's my baby in there, Brittny." he said softly.

"Hey," she joked. "I helped."

Brian nodded. "Yeah, but. . . there is a miracle growing in your belly. A miracle helped create. I still can't believe it."

Brittny ran her fingers though Brian's hair. "Yeah. It is pretty amazing, huh?"

Brian nodded. "In seven months we're gonna have another little life to take care of."

Pushing up her shirt a little, Brian planted a kiss in her belly button.

"Yeah. And it kinda scared me." Brittny said softly.

Brian stood up, concerned. "Why?"

"Face it. We can hardly take care of our own lives. I mean, we've had other people do it for us for so long. And what about our careers? What about all the fans? And Unique was just starting to take off in the US. We haven't even released our third single yet."

"We'll be good parents, Brittny, I know we will. And we'll make our careers work. I promise."

Brittny sighed. "I just don't want to be nonexistent in my baby's life."

"We wont' be." Brian wrapped his arms around Brittny's still thing body. "Just don't worry about it, ok?"

Brittny nodded as Brian kissed her nose. "All right."

"Come on. Let's finish packing."

Part Twenty Five
Part Twenty Seven
