Sixteen hours later, tuxes, bridal gowns, and bridesmaids dresses filled the waiting room of the hospital, as everyone waited the arrival of Brittny and Brian's baby.

Brian sat by Brittny's side thought out those long hours, holding her hand through everything.

"All right, Mrs. Littrell, I'm gonna need you to push-hard!"

Taking a deep breath, Brittny pushed as hard as she could, screaming out in pain as she did so.

"We have a head, and shoulders!" the doctor cried. "I need one final push."

"I can't!" she sobbed, tears pouring from her eyes. "I can't!"

Brian gripped Brittny's hand tighter, kissing her now white knuckles. "Come on, baby. You can do it. I know you can. I love you."

"I hate you! You did this to me you jerk! Why the hell did you do this to me!"

"Mrs. Littrell, quickly, PUSH!"

Taking a deep breath, and baring down, Brittny agonizingly gave one final push.

The sound of a little baby crying erupted as Brittny collapsed on the bed, panting.

"It's a-"

"A boy! It's a boy!" Brian shouted, running excitedly into the waiting room.

Everyone jumped up cheerfully.

"Can we go see them?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah!" Brian cried. "Come on!"

Everyone piled into Brittny's room, where she was holding a tiny, wrinkly baby in her arms.

"Awww!" Diane cooed. "What's his name?"

"Thomas James Littrell." Brittny replied, stroking Thomas's tiny belly.

"Thomas?" Holly asked.

"My middle name," Brian reminded her.

Everyone nodded.

Nick wrapped his arm around Katie. "Ya know, I never did get to kiss the bride."

Everyone looked up at Katie and Nick.

"Well. . you may now kiss the bride." Katie said smiling.

Nick bent down, and placed a soft kiss against Katie's lips.

Moved by the moment, Brian moved closer to Brittny, kissed their sons forehead, then her lips.

Before they knew it, Holly and Howie and Diane and Kevin were also kissing.

Danielle and AJ just starred at eachother from across the room.

"Well," she got out, on the verge of tears. "This has been an eventful day. Katie, Nick, congratulations on your marriage. . have a good honey moon. Brian, Brittny, Thomas is beautiful. I. . . " Danielle sniffled as a tear rolled down her cheek. "I think it's time for me to be going."

Danielle darted out of the room, and without a word, AJ solemnly followed her out.

Katie, Brittny, Diane, and Holly glanced around at eachother. They all knew what was going to happen next.

Part Twenty Eight
Part Thirty: The End
