When Danielle got back to the house, everyone was sitting around in the living-room, talking and laughing. She didn't want to ruin anyone's good mood, so she wiped the few tears that had fallen, off her cheeks, and put on a happy face.

"Hey everyone" she said cheerfully, walking into the living room.

"Hey, girl." Brittny said, her face aglow. Danielle made a mental note to ask why she was so happy later.

"Are you feeling better?" Joey asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yup." she quipped, plopping down between him and Chris on the couch. "Walks through the park always cheer me up."

"Good." Katie said. "I'm glad to see everyone so happy my first day back in O-tOwN."

"I know I'm happy." JC grinned.

Katie giggled.

"What are your plans for the next month?" Danielle asked.

"Football, football, and more football!" Chris cried.

"O-kay. Do the normal people have any plans?" Danielle said, cocking an eyebrow.

"Just because I like football a whole lot doesn't mean I'm any less normal then you are." Chris pouted.

"Aww, poor baby gettin' picked on?" Brittny asked.

Chris nodded.

"It's okay, you know I still love ya." Danielle giggled.

"Ew! Girl cooties!" Chris cried.

Danielle sighed. "You can't win or lose with this guy."

"Yes you can! You can lose when yo u play me at football!"

Lance shook his head. "Your head looks like a football."

"Yeah, well, you look like a hedgehog." Chris countered.

"What the hells a hedgehog?" JC asked.

"It's pretty much a rat with spikes." Brittny replied.

"Yeah, spikes with poison in them. Not poisonous to humans though, unless your allergic." Katie added.

"Yeah. My little brother used to have one." Danielle said.

"I remember that thing!" Joey cried.

"It was a white one. An albino." Danielle remembered.

"Come to think of it, it did kind of look like you, Lance." Joey joked.

Everyone laughed, except Lance.

"Really though. What are your plans?" Danielle asked.

"We've got a concert tomorrow night, which by the way your invited to, we're doing a couple of radio interviews, probably a few local tv shows, but mostly spending time in the studio. Ya know, writing, and recording tracks for our next album." Joey answered.

"Concert?" Katie asked, intrigued.

"Yup, yup." JC said. "Are you available tomorrow night?"

"What time?" Brittny asked.

"The concert starts at 7:30, the Meet-And-Greet is at 7, plus, we'd want to hand out with ya before, so probably 5:30, 6." Lance replied.

"Well, I'm free. I don't exactly have a job or anything yet." Katie said.

"Yup. I only work half day tomorrow. From noon to four. And I know your free, Danielle, because you work mornings all week." Brittny chirped.

"I know, but what about Noah? This isn't like the old days when we could just go out and party all night." Danielle said.

"Well, Lynn can watch Noah." Chris said.

Danielle shot Chris a look that could kill.

"Or not. . . " he mumbled.

"And that's another thing. I don't think I'm up for seeing Justin again."

"Please?" Joey begged. "You and Brittny have been to ever gig we've ever done in Orlando. It won't be the same without you."

"Yeah, you guys are like out good luck charms." JC said.

"Our very moody good luck charms, but, good luck non the less." Chris laughed.

Danielle sighed.

"My mom will take care of Noah, and I'll make sure Justin stays away from you." Joey promised, starring at her with big puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, all right. But only because you know I can't resist those eyes."

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Brittny asked.

Everyone thought for a moment.

"Football!" Chris exclaimed.

Danielle threw a throw pillow that matched the dark blue couch at Chris's head.

"Hey!" he cried. "What was that for?"

Danielle shrugged. "I was hoping to knock that idea out of your head."

"Did it work?" JC asked hopefully.

Chris shook his head. "Nope."


"What's on TV tonight?" Lance asked.

"There's a Real World/Road Rules marathon on TV for the next three days." Brittny replied.

"I love Real World!" Danielle and Joey cried together, then dissolving into giggles.

"Real World it is. . . " Brittny said, grabbing the remote off the table.

"I don't really like the Real World all that much." Katie spoke up.

"Me either. I'm more into Road Rules." JC said.

"Me, too!" Katie cried.

"Ya know, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." JC laughed.

"Oh, gag me." Chris pretended to choke.

"Just our luck." Brittny interrupted, flipping the channel to MTV, as JC glared at Chris. "The Road Rule All Starts is on right now. The best of both worlds."

Everyone settled back, and watched TV, every now and then making comments, and causing spontaneous laughter.

Just like old times. Only different. So many things had changed over the past year, and little did they know then, so many things would change in the next few weeks.

Part Nine
Part Eleven
